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About the Author
J. W. Hance has been programming computers
since 1974 and has programmed everything from the ancient
Rockwell PPS-4 to an IBM System 370. He purchased his first
computer in 1978, the MOS Technology KIM-1. Since that time, he
has used and programmed almost everything in between. His current
system of choice is a Windows 95 based Pentium 133 system. He has
programmed in many languages include assembly language, FORTRAN,
COBOL, BASIC, C, C++, PERL, and Visual Basic.
Mr. Hance is also holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and is
a Registered Professional Engineer, licensed to practice in the
State of Indiana.
Over the past 4 years, he has become interested in Microsoft
Windows programming and has developed a number of Windows based
applications. TCP Switcher was his first SHAREWARE program.
NetSwitcher has been his most successful SHAREWARE program to