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System Requirements

NetSwitcher runs only under Windows 95 and Windows NT. In either case, only the networking stacks provided by Microsoft are supported. There must be some sort of network adapter present in your system, although the Dial-Up Networking “adapter” will suffice. NetSwitcher also assumes that you are using Microsoft’s TCP/IP stack which is included with Windows 95 and Windows NT. It is unlikely that NetSwitcher with work with third party stacks like Trumpet, NetManage, Distinct, and others. NetSwitcher is a true 32-bit executable program and was built using Microsoft Visual C++ V5.0 and Microsoft Foundation Classes V4.2.

Installation of NetSwitcher is quick and easy. Since you are reading this HELP file, you have obviously downloaded the distribution archive and unpacked it. NetSwitcher should be installed in a directory of it’s own and all of the files in the distribution archive should be placed in the same directory as the executable. If you did not do it this way, make it so now.

When you run NetSwitcher for the first time, it must register the file type “.nsw” with Windows as a data file for the NetSw.Exe application. If you later move NetSwitcher, you will need to run NetSwitcher.Exe from the command shell with the “-install” switch. This will re-register the “.nsw” file type with the new executable file location.

To reinstall NetSwticher open a command shell, set your working directory to the directory where NetSwitcher lives and type:

C:\NETSW>netsw -install

Note that this is ONLY necessary if you have moved NetSwitcher to a new location.


Making your first setup file is as simple as this:

1. In the dropdown dialog box named “Network Adapter” select one of your network adapters. If there is only one, choose it. If you have no adapters listed then you cannot use NetSwitcher. You should see the currently configured parameters displayed in the various fields.

2. Now click the SAVE button. This will display a FILE SAVE dialog navigator. Save this in a file with a name of your choosing. Don’t put an extension other than “.nsw” on the file you save or NetSwitcher will not recognize it as one of it’s data files.

3. That's it, you've created a "snapshot" of your current adapter configuration.