- encoder, Encoder options
- enums
- ChannelProperties, Channel information
- ClientProperties, Information related to own client, Information related to other clients
- CodecEncryptionMode, Server information
- ConnectStatus, Connecting to a server, Disconnecting from a server, Channel sorting
- InputDeactivationStatus, FAQ
- LogLevel, Logging
- LogType, Initializing, User-defined logging
- TextMessageTargetMode, Receiving
- VirtualServerProperties, Server information
- Visibility, Joining a channel, Kicking clients, Channel subscriptions
- error codes, Overview of header files
- events
- onChannelDescriptionUpdateEvent, Other events
- onChannelMoveEvent, Moving a channel
- onChannelPasswordChangedEvent, Other events
- onChannelSubscribeEvent, Channel subscriptions
- onChannelSubscribeFinishedEvent, Channel subscriptions
- onChannelUnsubscribeEvent, Channel subscriptions
- onChannelUnsubscribeFinishedEvent, Channel subscriptions
- onClientKickFromChannelEvent, Kicking clients
- onClientKickFromServerEvent, Kicking clients
- onClientMoveEvent, Joining a channel
- onClientMoveMovedEvent, Joining a channel
- onClientMoveSubscriptionEvent, Channel subscriptions
- onClientMoveTimeoutEvent, Other events
- onConnectStatusChangeEvent, Connecting to a server, Disconnecting from a server
- onCustom3dRolloffCalculationClientEvent, 3D Sound
- onCustom3dRolloffCalculationWaveEvent, 3D Sound
- onCustomPacketDecryptEvent, Custom encryption
- onCustomPacketEncryptEvent, Custom encryption
- onDelChannelEvent, Deleting a channel
- onEditCapturedVoiceDataEvent, Accessing the voice buffer
- onEditMixedPlaybackVoiceDataEvent, Accessing the voice buffer
- onEditPlaybackVoiceDataEvent, Accessing the voice buffer
- onEditPostProcessVoiceDataEvent, Accessing the voice buffer
- onIgnoredWhisperEvent, Whisper lists
- onNewChannelCreatedEvent, Creating a new channel
- onNewChannelEvent, Connecting to a server
- onPlaybackShutdownCompleteEvent, Closing devices
- onServerEditedEvent, Server information
- onServerErrorEvent, Return code, Error handling
- onServerStopEvent, Disconnecting from a server
- onServerUpdatedEvent, Server information
- onTalkStatusChangeEvent, Other events
- onTextMessageEvent, Receiving
- onUpdateChannelEditedEvent, Channel information
- onUpdateChannelEvent, Other events
- onUpdateClientEvent, Information related to other clients
- onUserLoggingMessageEvent, User-defined logging
- functions
- ts3client_acquireCustomPlaybackData, Using custom devices
- ts3client_activateCaptureDevice, Activating the capture device
- ts3client_allowWhispersFrom, Whisper lists
- ts3client_channelset3DAttributes, 3D Sound
- ts3client_closeCaptureDevice, Closing devices
- ts3client_closePlaybackDevice, Closing devices
- ts3client_closeWaveFileHandle, Playing wave files
- ts3client_createIdentity, Connecting to a server
- ts3client_destroyClientLib, Shutting down
- ts3client_destroyServerConnectionHandler, Managing server connection handlers
- ts3client_flushChannelCreation, Creating a new channel
- ts3client_flushChannelUpdates, Channel information
- ts3client_flushClientSelfUpdates, Information related to own client
- ts3client_freeMemory, Miscellaneous functions
- ts3client_getCaptureDeviceList, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getCaptureModeList, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getChannelClientList, Query available servers, channels and clients
- ts3client_getChannelIDFromChannelNames, Channel information
- ts3client_getChannelList, Query available servers, channels and clients
- ts3client_getChannelOfClient, Query available servers, channels and clients
- ts3client_getChannelVariableAsInt, Channel information
- ts3client_getChannelVariableAsString, Channel information
- ts3client_getChannelVariableAsUInt64, Channel information
- ts3client_getClientID, Connecting to a server, Information related to own client
- ts3client_getClientLibVersion, Querying the library version
- ts3client_getClientList, Query available servers, channels and clients
- ts3client_getClientSelfVariableAsInt, Information related to own client
- ts3client_getClientSelfVariableAsString, Information related to own client
- ts3client_getClientVariableAsInt, Information related to other clients
- ts3client_getClientVariableAsString, Information related to other clients
- ts3client_getClientVariableAsUInt64, Information related to other clients
- ts3client_getConnectionStatus, Connecting to a server
- ts3client_getCurrentCaptureDeviceName, Checking current modes and devices
- ts3client_getCurrentCaptureMode, Checking current modes and devices
- ts3client_getCurrentPlaybackDeviceName, Checking current modes and devices
- ts3client_getCurrentPlayBackMode, Checking current modes and devices
- ts3client_getDefaultCaptureDevice, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getDefaultCaptureMode, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getDefaultPlaybackDevice, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getDefaultPlayBackMode, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getEncodeConfigValue, Encoder options
- ts3client_getErrorMessage, Error handling
- ts3client_getParentChannelOfChannel, Query available servers, channels and clients
- ts3client_getPlaybackConfigValueAsFloat, Playback options
- ts3client_getPlaybackDeviceList, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getPlaybackModeList, Querying available modes and devices
- ts3client_getPreProcessorConfigValue, Preprocessor options
- ts3client_getPreProcessorInfoValueFloat, Preprocessor options
- ts3client_getServerConnectionHandlerList, Query available servers, channels and clients
- ts3client_getServerVariableAsInt, Server information
- ts3client_getServerVariableAsString, Server information
- ts3client_getServerVariableAsUInt64, Server information
- ts3client_initClientLib, Initializing
- ts3client_initiateGracefulPlaybackShutdown, Closing devices
- ts3client_logMessage, Logging
- ts3client_openCaptureDevice, Initializing modes and devices
- ts3client_openPlaybackDevice, Initializing modes and devices
- ts3client_pauseWaveFileHandle, Playing wave files
- ts3client_playWaveFile, Playing wave files
- ts3client_playWaveFileHandle, Playing wave files
- ts3client_processCustomCaptureData, Using custom devices
- ts3client_registerCustomDevice, Using custom devices
- ts3client_removeFromAllowedWhispersFrom, Whisper lists
- ts3client_requestChannelDelete, Deleting a channel
- ts3client_requestChannelDescription, Channel information
- ts3client_requestChannelMove, Moving a channel
- ts3client_requestChannelSubscribe, Channel subscriptions
- ts3client_requestChannelSubscribeAll, Channel subscriptions
- ts3client_requestChannelUnsubscribe, Channel subscriptions
- ts3client_requestChannelUnsubscribeAll, Channel subscriptions
- ts3client_requestClientKickFromChannel, Kicking clients
- ts3client_requestClientKickFromServer, Kicking clients
- ts3client_requestClientMove, Joining a channel
- ts3client_requestClientSetWhisperList, Whisper lists
- ts3client_requestClientVariables, Information related to other clients
- ts3client_requestMuteClients, Muting clients locally
- ts3client_requestSendChannelTextMsg, Sending
- ts3client_requestSendPrivateTextMsg, Sending
- ts3client_requestSendServerTextMsg, Sending
- ts3client_requestServerVariables, Server information
- ts3client_requestUnmuteClients, Muting clients locally
- ts3client_set3DWaveAttributes, 3D Sound
- ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt, Channel information
- ts3client_setChannelVariableAsString, Channel information
- ts3client_setChannelVariableAsUInt64, Channel information
- ts3client_setClientSelfVariableAsInt, Information related to own client
- ts3client_setClientSelfVariableAsString, Information related to own client
- ts3client_setClientVolumeModifier, Playback options
- ts3client_setLocalTestMode, Miscellaneous functions
- ts3client_setLogVerbosity, User-defined logging
- ts3client_setPlaybackConfigValue, Playback options, FAQ
- ts3client_setPreProcessorConfigValue, Preprocessor options
- ts3client_spawnNewServerConnectionHandler, Managing server connection handlers
- ts3client_startConnection, Connecting to a server
- ts3client_startVoiceRecording, Voice recording
- ts3client_stopConnection, Disconnecting from a server
- ts3client_stopVoiceRecording, Voice recording
- ts3client_systemset3DListenerAttributes, 3D Sound
- ts3client_systemset3DSettings, 3D Sound
- ts3client_unregisterCustomDevice, Using custom devices