To create a channel, set the various channel variables using ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt
and ts3client_setChannelVariableAsString
. Pass zero as the channel ID parameter.
Then flush the changes to the server by calling:
unsigned int ts3client_flushChannelCreation( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | channelParentID) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;uint64 channelParentID
ID of the server connection handler to which the channel changes should be flushed.
ID of the parent channel, if the new channel is to be created as subchannel. Pass zero if the channel should be created as top-level channel.
Returns ERROR_ok
on success, otherwise an error code as defined in public_errors.h
After flushing the changes to the server, the following event will be called on successful channel creation:
void onNewChannelCreatedEvent( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | channelID, | á |
á | channelParentID, | á |
á | invokerID, | á |
á | invokerName, | á |
á | invokerUniqueIdentifier) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;uint64 channelID
;uint64 channelParentID
;anyID invokerID
;const char* invokerName
;const char* invokerUniqueIdentifier
ID of the server connection handler where the channel was created.
ID of the created channel. Channel IDs start with the value 1.
ID of the parent channel.
ID of the client who requested the creation. If zero, the request was initiated by the server.
Name of the client who requested the creation. If requested by the server, the name is empty.
Unique ID of the client who requested the creation.
Example code to create a channel:
#define CHECK_ERROR(x) if((error = x) != ERROR_ok) { goto on_error; } int createChannel(uint64 scHandlerID, uint64 parentChannelID, const char* name, const char* topic, const char* description, const char* password, int codec, int codecQuality, int maxClients, int familyMaxClients, int order, int perm, int semiperm, int default) { unsigned int error; /* Set channel data, pass 0 as channel ID */ CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsString(scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_NAME, name)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsString(scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_TOPIC, topic)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsString(scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION, desc)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsString(scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_PASSWORD, password)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_CODEC, codec)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_CODEC_QUALITY, codecQuality)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_MAXCLIENTS, maxClients)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS, familyMaxClients)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_ORDER, order)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_FLAG_PERMANENT, perm)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_FLAG_SEMI_PERMANENT, semiperm)); CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_setChannelVariableAsInt (scHandlerID, 0, CHANNEL_FLAG_DEFAULT, default)); /* Flush changes to server */ CHECK_ERROR(ts3client_flushChannelCreation(scHandlerID, parentChannelID)); return 0; /* Success */ on_error: printf("Error creating channel: %d\n", error); return 1; /* Failure */ }