Interacting with the server means various actions, related to both channels and clients. Channels can be joined, created, edited, deleted and subscribed. Clients can use text chat with other clients, be kicked or poked and move between channels.
All strings passed to and from the Client Lib need to be encoded in UTF-8 format.
When a client logs on to a TeamSpeak 3 server, he will automatically join the channel with the “Default” flag, unless he specified another channel in ts3client_startConnection
. To have your own or another client switch to a certain channel, call
unsigned int ts3client_requestClientMove( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | newChannelID, | á |
á | password, | á |
á | returnCode) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;uint64 newChannelID
;const char* password
;const char* returnCode
ID of the server connection handler ID on which this action is requested.
ID of the client to move.
ID of the channel the client wants to join.
An optional password, required for password-protected channels.
See return code documentation. Pass NULL if you do not need this feature.
Returns ERROR_ok
on success, otherwise an error code as defined in public_errors.h
If the move was successful, one the following events will be called:
void onClientMoveEvent( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | oldChannelID, | á |
á | newChannelID, | á |
á | visibility, | á |
á | moveMessage) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;uint64 oldChannelID
;uint64 newChannelID
;int visibility
;const char* moveMessage
ID of the server connection handler on which the action occured.
ID of the moved client.
ID of the old channel left by the client.
ID of the new channel joined by the client.
Defined in the enum Visibility
Client moved and entered visibility. Cannot happen on own client.
Client moved between two known places. Can happen on own or other client.
Client moved out of our sight. Cannot happen on own client.
Displaying the optional message given in ts3client_stopConnection
Example: Requesting to move the own client into channel ID 12 (not password-protected):
ts3client_requestClientMove(scHandlerID, ts3client_getClientID(scHandlerID), 12, "");
Now wait for the callback:
void yourImplementationOf_onClientMoveEvent(uint64 scHandlerID, anyID clientID, uint64 oldChannelID, uint64 newChannelID, int visibility) { // scHandlerID -> Server connection handler ID, same as above when requesting // clientID -> Own client ID, same as above when requesting // oldChannelID -> ID of the channel the client has left // newChannelID -> 12, as requested above // visibility -> One of ENTER_VISIBILITY, RETAIN_VISIBILITY, LEAVE_VISIBILITY }
If the move was initiated by another client, instead of onClientMove
the following event is called:
void onClientMoveMovedEvent( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | oldChannelID, | á |
á | newChannelID, | á |
á | visibility, | á |
á | moverID, | á |
á | moverName, | á |
á | moverUniqueIdentifier, | á |
á | moveMessage) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;uint64 oldChannelID
;uint64 newChannelID
;int visibility
;anyID moverID
;const char* moverName
;moveMessage moverUniqueIdentifier
;moveMessage moveMessage
;Like onClientMoveEvent
but with additional information about the client, which has initiated the move: moverID
defines the ID, moverName
the nickname and moverUniqueIdentifier
the unique ID of the mover client. moveMessage
contains a string giving the reason for the move.
If oldChannelID
is 0, the client has just connected to the server. If newChannelID
is 0, the client disconnected. Both values cannot be 0 at the same time.