Clients can be forcefully removed from a channel or the whole server. To kick a client from a channel or server call:
unsigned int ts3client_requestClientKickFromChannel( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | kickReason, | á |
á | returnCode) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;const char* kickReason
;const char* returnCode
unsigned int ts3client_requestClientKickFromServer( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | kickReason, | á |
á | returnCode) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;const char* kickReason
;const char* returnCode
Id of the target server connection.
The ID of the client to be kicked.
A short message explaining why the client is kicked from the channel or server.
See return code documentation. Pass NULL if you do not need this feature.
Returns ERROR_ok
on success, otherwise an error code as defined in public_errors.h
After successfully requesting a kick, one of the following events will be called:
void onClientKickFromChannelEvent( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | oldChannelID, | á |
á | newChannelID, | á |
á | visibility, | á |
á | kickerID, | á |
á | kickerName, | á |
á | kickerUniqueIdentifier, | á |
á | kickMessage) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;uint64 oldChannelID
;uint64 newChannelID
;int visibility
;anyID kickerID
;const char* kickerName
;const char* kickerUniqueIdentifier
;const char* kickMessage
void onClientKickFromServerEvent( | serverConnectionHandlerID, | á |
á | clientID, | á |
á | oldChannelID, | á |
á | newChannelID, | á |
á | visibility, | á |
á | kickerID, | á |
á | kickerName, | á |
á | kickerUniqueIdentifier, | á |
á | kickMessage) ; | á |
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID
;anyID clientID
;uint64 oldChannelID
;uint64 newChannelID
;int visibility
;anyID kickerID
;const char* kickerName
;const char* kickerUniqueIdentifier
;const char* kickMessage
ID of the server connection handler on which the client was kicked
ID of the kicked client.
ID of the channel from which the client has been kicked.
ID of the channel where the kicked client was moved to.
Describes if the moved client enters, retains or leaves visibility. See explanation of the enum Visibility for the function onClientMoveEvent
When kicked from a server, visibility can be only LEAVE_VISIBILITY
ID of the client who requested the kick.
Name of the client who requested the kick.
Unique ID of the client who requested the kick.
Message giving the reason why the client has been kicked.