Run At Windows Startup?
This sets an entry in the registry so that ClipMate starts when you start Windows. This replaces the "startup folder" method that earlier versions used. In case you are interested, the key is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
If you choose to "run ClipMate at Windows Startup" during the installation, this will be already set.
Start Minimized?
Normally, ClipMate will start showing either ClipMate Explorer or ClipMate Classic, depending on whichever one you were using last time. (Provided that they are set to auto-load) However, if you don't want to see either of them on the screen when you start, you can use this option to hide them.
Show Progress Dialog?
During lengthy operations like signing onto the database or logging off, ClipMate will show a blue "busy" dialog. You can turn it off here, if you don't want to see it. Note that this is not the same as the "loading..." dialog that shows while ClipMate is being launched.
Show Item Type Icons?
Show or hide the little indicator icons to the left of the clip titles in the ClipList.
Show Hints (Tooltips)?
Show or hide the tooltip hints that appear as you hover your mouse over various controls. You can also determine how long they stay visible.
Show Fancy Hints?
ClipMate normally uses "HTML-Enhanced" tooltips. If this is causing display problems (usually on Windows95), or if you are visually impaired and are using a screen reader, you should turn this option off.
Use Fancy Menus And Buttons
ClipMate normally shows icons in its menus and some of its buttons. If you prefer not to see them, or are visually impaired and are using a screen reader, you should turn this option off.
Confirm When Deleting Items From "Safe" Collections?
If you have a collection set to "never delete", you can have an extra measure of protection so that you don't inadvertently delete clips. You'll receive an "are you sure?" dialog.
Check for Updates?
When enabled, ClipMate will poll our server every 15 days to see if updates are available. If so, you'll be notified, and invited to run the AutoUpdate wizard to download and install the updates. This is a great way to make sure that you're running the latest ClipMate available. For more information, see Automatic Update.
Collection Sorting
This determines the order in which collections appear in the Collection Tree and on the Select Collection, and Move/Copy to Collection menus. They can be ordered alphabetically, or by "sort key". If you use "sort key", you will order the collections in the Collection Tree by moving them up/down with the menu or the +/- keys.
System Tray Title
The title of the system tray can contain either the title of the current clip, or the current collection. So you can hover your mouse over the system tray icon, and see what's on ClipMate.
System Tray Note:
In previous versions, you could optionally use the system tray, or the regular taskbar. This dual-mode caused lots of technical problems, usually in the form of multiple icons showing at once. So in the interest of saving screen space, we've gone with just the system tray icon.