Automatic Update
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ClipMate has an auto-update feature, where it can check our server to see if there are any updates to the program or special announcements (tips, tricks, alerts, offers) from Thornsoft.
You can enable the feature in the "General" tab of the User Preferences dialog box. When enabled, it will silently poll our server every 15 days to see if updates are available. If updates are found, you'll be asked if you want to open the update wizard, where you can download and install the updates. Otherwise it'll just reset its "next update" date to check again in 15 days.
You can also manually check for updates under the Help menu - this will also set the next AutoUpdate check 15 days in the future (but it will only actually DO the check if you have enabled the option).

Technical/Security Notes:
·No data is sent from your PC. This a read-only operation. Your PC is reading our server, deciding if we have newer files than you do, and then you are invited to download anything new, via the wizard.  
·We use the standard HTTP port 80. This may fail to work in certain corporate firewall situations where proxy authentication is required.  
·The connection is only one-way. We cannot, for example, "see" into your computer, even when you are actively connecting.  
·Updates are downloaded into a folder called "Thornsoft_Updates" in your "my documents" folder. Typically they're setup programs, self-extracting ZIP installers, or plain just HTML files.  
·Installation is optional - you can download a file and then elect not to install it. However, it may still be listed as available to download, the next time you run the updater.  
·We are using AutoUpdate from ZaberSoft -  

If AutoUpdate fails to run, and particularly if it says "XML Error", then it may be having trouble reaching our server, due to your firewall. If you are running firewall software, make sure that the AUTOUPDATE.EXE program, located in \program files\clipmate6\autoupdate, has permission to contact our server using the standard HTTP port 80. If it still won't work, don't worry, it will then ask if you want to do a manual update, which takes you to a page letting you know if there is a newer version that you can update to.