These settings apply to ClipMate Classic, and this tab will only be visible if Classic is loaded.
To make the window as small as possible, set it to use Small Buttons, Hide the main menu, and do not show the optional' "remove line breaks" button.
Load at Startup?
When ClipMate starts, it can pre-load Classic and/or Explorer so that you don't have to wait for them to load when you want to access them. If both Classic and Explorer are set to load, it will show you whichever one was used last time, but they are both loaded into memory.
Small Buttons?
ClipMate has two sets of buttons for the main toolbar - a 16x16 set that takes up a minimum amount of space, or the same 24x24 set that is used in ClipMate Explorer. You will need to close and re-start ClipMate Classic to see the change properly.
Hide Main Menu?
You can make the window smaller by hiding the main menu. Of course, you'd have to then go into ClipMate Explorer to access the menu.
Magnetic Borders?
When positioning the window near the screen edges, this causes it to "snap" to the edge when you are within 16 pixels. This makes it easy to align to the edge or corner of the screen, and is sometimes known as "WinAmp" style.
Enable Close Button?
This refers to the 'X' button in the upper-right of the window, standard on most applications. It can be disabled, to prevent accidental closing of the window.
Optional Toolbar Buttons
We've made the toolbar customizable so that you can choose the buttons that you want to see on the Classic toolbar. Be advised, however, that if you don't have enough buttons, then the main menu will "wrap", and the window won't look right. So use enough buttons to allow the entire main menu to fit. You will need to close (click the 'X' button) Classic and re-start it, to completely show the new layout.
Tip: Hover your mouse over each of the check boxes to see what the button looks like - it shows in the Hint.
ClipMate Classic can be set to stay always on top. It can also be set to automatically hide (minimize) itself when you switch away from it. Or it can act "normal".