Collection Tree
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The Collection Tree shows the various databases and collections within. By default, you'll have a database called "My Clips", and this refers to a particular directory on your hard disk where all of the data is stored. Within the database, the clips are arranged in groups called "collections", Each collection can have its own retention rules (determines when, if ever, data is purged), title, and icon. By default, you'll have InBox, Overflow, and Safe. Plus two special collections: Trashcan and Search Results. Here you see we've added a bunch of collections that we consider "Important Stuff".



The hierarchy is managed via drag 'n' drop, and
collection properties can be accessed via a right-click popup menu. The collection tree interacts with the ClipList, as selecting a collection will cause the ClipList to display the Clips within that collection. Also, you can drag Clips from the ClipList into the Collection Tree, to move Clips between collections.

The contents of the tree are either sorted Alphabetically, or by a "Sort Key", which is the default. As collections are created, they are assigned a sort key, such as 100, 200, 300, etc.. If you right-click on a collection and select "Move Up" or "Move Down", then the sort key is changed, and the item is re-positioned. You can manually view/edit the sort key as well, by right-clicking on a collection and viewing the Properties dialog.
To choose between alphabetic and "key" sorting, go to Config | User Preferences | General. The default is Manual (Key) sorting.

Tip: If you prefer Alphabetic sorting (users with hundreds of collections often prefer this), but still want the InBox (or others) to still be at the top, you can trick the sort routine into doing what you want. Right-click on the collection, view the Properties. Then rename the collection so that it has a SPACE in front. "InBox" becomes " InBox". Note the space. Now it will sort to the top.  

ike any of the panels in Explorer, the Collection Tree can be undocked, and its undocked appearance is shown above.

New in version 6.3, you can right-click to expand or collapse the tree. Very handy if you have dozens, or hundreds of collections.