Introducing ClipMate 6
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Welcome to ClipMate 6.3, the latest edition of one of the most powerful and useful utilities of all time*.

ClipMate enhances the Windows
Clipboard, making it a true power tool. The cut / copy / paste capability of Windows works well for transferring single items of data but is not useful if you want to move a lot of data or keep data longer than until your next cut or copy. Because Windows overwrites the Clipboard whether you were ready or not.
ClipMate works alongside the regular Windows Clipboard and remembers every piece of data (both text and graphics) that you cut or copy. Once your data is saved in ClipMate, you can select an item and it is automatically placed back on the Clipboard or directly into an application. Within ClipMate you can view, print, edit, reformat, convert to upper/lower case, search, rename, and reorder Clip Items. Our new Screen Capture functions supplement the windows screen capture by adding region and object capture capability, and of course, you can save, export, e-mail, and print your screen captures. And now with ClipMate 6, you can even encrypt sensitive data with ARC4 encryption.

You can create an unlimited number of collections to store your data, and you have full control over the retention rules so that your collections fit your personal work process. For example, you can use your "InBox" Collection as a catch-all and create "Safe" collections for topics like Tips & Tricks, Frequently Used Letter Closings, Clip Art, Hot Internet Web Pages, Project Research, or whatever you wish. Even if you decide to do nothing special with your clips - you'll always have the last 1000 clips at you disposal, ready to paste wherever you need them.

With the award-winning ClipMate as your Windows companion, you'll take the familiar underpowered Clipboard and turn it into an unexpectedly powerful time saver.

·ClipMate Overview  
·New Features in ClipMate6  
·New Features in ClipMate6.1  
·New Features In ClipMate 6.2  
·New Features In ClipMate 6.3  
·Differences From ClipMate 5  
·Basic Operation  
·The User Interface  
·Using ClipMate Effectively  
·Purchasing ClipMate  
·How Do I...  

* ClipMate 1.0 began development in the fall of 1991, making it one of the most well-known and long-lived utilities for Windows.