| Contents | | Workspace | | Add/Edit Notes | | Pictures | | Tray Menu | | Print
| General | Notes/Tasks | Alarms | Screen Saver | Text/Icons | Marking | Appearance



The Settings dialog consists of several tabs which are described in detal on the pages below.

General: StartUp, Calendar Standard, Desktop Components, Interactive Desktop, System Tray Icon, Notes (Display, Auto Delete), Multiuser Option

Notes/Tasks Options: Appearance, Size & Position, Editing Tasks

Alarms Options: Default Parameters, Alarm Window

Screen Saver: Screen Saver Control, Screen Saver Options

Calendar Text/Icons: Text Options, Icon Options

Calendar Marking: Mark Dates With Notes, Mark Weeks, Mark Calendar Weekdays

Calendar Appearance: Calendar Type, Calendar Style, Calendar Position


| General | Notes/Tasks | Alarms | Screen Saver | Text/Icons | Marking | Appearance

| Contents | | Workspace | | Add/Edit Notes | | Pictures | | Tray Menu | | Print

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