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Active Desktop Calendar Workspace

Active Desktop Calendar - Workspace

Menus Bar


        Export: Allows you to export your Notes, Tasks, Alarms and calendar icons within a time frame you specify.

        Import: Allows you to import previously exported data.

        Print Notes/Tasks (Ctrl+P): Use this option to print out notes and tasks. See more details here.

        Program Settings (Ctrl+S): Opens the Settings panel.

        Exit Program: Exits the program.


        Notes (Ctrl+N): Switches the workspace to Notes view.

        Tasks (Ctrl+T): Switches the workspace to Tasks view.

        Desktop Pictures (Ctrl+D): This option allows you to add some of your pictures to the desktop on top of the background picture you may already have. See more details here.


        New Note: Opens a dialog for adding a new note. See more details here.

        New Alarm: Opens a dialog for adding a new alarm.

        Find (Ctrl+F): Performs a search through all notes text. Search is case insensitive.

        Find Next (F3): Repeats the last successful Find action.

        Go To Date (Ctrl+G): Automatically positions your Notes view to a specified date.

        Attach Date Icon: Attaches icon of choice to selected date in the calendar. That icon will appear instead of regular date icon if calendar is set to be shown as icons on desktop.

        Remove Date Icon: Removes previously attached icon of selected date. Regular date icon will be shown on desktop.

        Edit: Edits selected note. If note selected for editing is an instance of repeating note you will be prompted to decide whether the original note and all of its instances should actually be edited or not. Editing just one instance of a repeating note is not possible.

        Delete (Del): Deletes selected note. If note selected for deletion is an instance of repeating note you will be prompted to decide whether the original note and all of its instances should actually be deleted or not. Deleting just one instance of a repeating note is not possible.


    New Task: Adds new task on the top or at the bottom of task list depending on the "Place new task" setting. Also automatically switches the workspace to Tasks view.

    Edit (F2): Used for editing existing tasks.

    Set As Done (Ctrl+D): Marks an existing task as done.

    Move Up: Moves currently selected task up on the list.

    Move Down: Moves currently selected task down on the list.

    Move Top: Moves currently selected task to the top of the list.

    Move Bottom: Moves currently selected task to the bottom of the list.

    Delete Task (Del): Deletes currently selected task.


        Help (F1):
        Opens the help file.

        Register: Opens a dialog for registering the program.

        Contact Technical Support: You can use this option for contacting XemiComputers technical support with any questions you may have about the program.

        Visit Program Homepage: Takes you directly to Active Desktop Calendar homepage.

        About Active Desktop Calendar: Displays some basic information about the program.



      New Note

      Opens a dialog for adding new notes. See more details here.

      New Alarm

        Opens a dialog simmilar to New Note one, but used only for adding alarms.


        Opens a dialog for printing calendar data. See more details here.


    Edits selected note. If note selected for editing is an instance of repeating note you will be prompted to decide whether the original note and all of its instances should actually be edited or not. Editing just one instance of a repeating note is not possible.


    Performs a search through all notes text. Search is case insensitive.

    Go To Date

    Automatically positions your Notes view to a specified date.


    Deletes selected note. If note selected for deletion is an instance of repeating note you will be prompted to decide whether the original note and all of its instances should actually be deleted or not. Deleting just one instance of a repeating note is not possible.

    New Task

      Adds new task on the top or at the bottom of task list depending on the "Place new task" setting. Also automatically switches the workspace to Tasks view.


    Used for editing existing tasks.

    Set As Done

    Marks selected task as done. Task will appear in strike-through letters in task list on the desktop. Depending on the chosen setting a task marked as Done could go to the bottom of the task list automatically.

    Move Up

    Moves currently selected task up on the list.

    Move Down

    Moves currently selected task down on the list.

    Move Top

    Moves currently selected task to the top of the list.

    Move Bottom

    Moves currently selected task to the bottom of the list.

    Delete Task

    Deletes selected task (standard multiselect options are available).


    Opens the help file.


      Switches the Active Desktop Calendar workspace to Notes/Alarms view.


      Switches the Active Desktop Calendar workspace to Tasks view.

Desktop Pictures

      This option allows you to add some of your pictures to the desktop on top of the background picture you may already have. See more details here.

Notes Title Bar

    While in Notes view, displays the current month. If a special icon is attached to the currently selected date, it is displayed in the left corner. To the right there are navigation options which are self explanatory. Single arrows for months, double for years and central button serves as GoTo Today.

Note Fields

    Double clicking on the date title will automatically open Add Note dialog. Double clicking on an existing note will open Edit Note dialog, while right clicking on it will give you the options to either Edit or Delete the note.

    Right clicking anywhere within the date field or title will bring a drop down menu with the following options:

    New Note: Opens a dialog for adding a new note. See more details here.

    New Alarm: Opens a dialog for adding a new alarm.

    Find: Performs a search through all notes text. Search is case insensitive.

    Go to Date: Automatically positions your Notes view to a specified date.

    Attach Date Icon: Attaches icon of choice to selected date in the calendar. That icon will appear instead of regular date icon if calendar is set to be shown as icons on desktop.

    Remove Date Icon: Removes previously attached icon of selected date. Regular date icon will be shown on desktop.


| Contents | | Add/Edit Notes | | Settings | | Desktop Pictures | | Tray Menu| | Print|

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