Classes, Interfaces, Objects
Functions, Procedures

All Identifiers

AddImportedClassVariable ifpiclass  
btArray ifps3common An array
btClass ifps3common Compile time class type; In IFPS3 external classes are not of one defined type (They could be anything from an integer to a pointer)
btDouble ifps3common A 8 byte float (double)
btEnum ifps3common Compile time enumeration; This will be a btu32 when compiled
btExtended ifps3common A 10 byte float (extended)
btPChar ifps3common A PChar (internally the same as a string)
btPointer ifps3common A pointer
btProcPtr ifps3common Compile time procedural pointer (will be btu32 when compiled)
btRecord ifps3common A record
btResourcePointer ifps3common A resource pointer: Variable that can contain things from outside the script engine
btReturnAddress ifps3common Executer internal type for return addresses, can not be used as a type
btS16 ifps3common A 2 byte signed integer (smallint)
btS32 ifps3common A 4 byte signed integer (Integer/Longint)
btS64 ifps3common An 8 byte signed integer (int64)
btS8 ifps3common A 1 byte signed integer (Shortint)
btSingle ifps3common A 4 byte float (single)
btString ifps3common A string
btU16 ifps3common A 2 byte unsigned integer (word)
btU32 ifps3common A 4 byte unsigned integer (cardinal/longword)
btU8 ifps3common A 1 byte unsigned integer (byte)
btVariant ifps3common A variant
ClassRuntimeGetRPFuncs ifpiclassruntime Return the RPFuncs for other libraries
CM_A ifps3common Script internal command: Assign command
cm_bn ifps3common Script internal command: Boolean NOT
Cm_C ifps3common Script internal command: Call
CM_CA ifps3common Script internal command: Calculate Command
Cm_CG ifps3common Script internal command: Conditional Goto
Cm_CNG ifps3common Script internal command: Conditional NOT Goto
CM_CO ifps3common Script internal command: Compare
Cm_cv ifps3common Script internal command: Call Var
cm_fg ifps3common Script internal command: Flag Goto
Cm_G ifps3common Script internal command: Goto
CM_P ifps3common Script internal command: Push
CM_PO ifps3common Script internal command: Pop
Cm_Pt ifps3common Script internal command: Push Type
CM_PV ifps3common Script internal command: Push Var
Cm_R ifps3common Script internal command: Ret
cm_sf ifps3common Script internal command: Set Flag
cm_sp ifps3common Script internal command: Set Pointer
Cm_ST ifps3common Script internal command: Set Stack Type
cm_vm ifps3common Script internal command: Var Minus
CreateVariant ifps3 Create a variant
CVAL_Addr ifpscomp Internal constant: used when a value must be read from an address
CVAL_AllocatedStackReg ifpscomp Internal constant: same as address except that it has to be freed otherwise
CVAL_Array ifpscomp Internal Constant: Array
CVAL_ArrayAllocatedStackRec ifpscomp Internal Constant: ArrayAllocatedStackRec same as CVAL_AllocatedStackReg
CVAL_ClassMethodCall ifpscomp Internal contant: A method call
CVAL_ClassProcCall ifpscomp Internal constant: A method call
CVAL_ClassPropertyCallGet ifpscomp Internal constant: Property get method
CVAL_ClassPropertyCallSet ifpscomp Internal constant: Property set method
CVAL_Data ifpscomp Internal constant: used when a value is plain data
CVAL_Eval ifpscomp Internal constant: used when there are sub calculations
CVAL_Proc ifpscomp Internal constant: used for function calls
CVAL_PushAddr ifpscomp Internal constant: used when a value must be read from an address and pushed
CVAL_VarProc ifpscomp Internal Constant: Procedural Call with variable procedure number
DefaultCC ifpidll2 The default CC
DelphiRPFunc ifpidelphiruntime See source
DisposeVariant ifps3 Decrease the variant's refcount and free it if it's 0
DllExternalProc ifpidll2 Assign this to the TIFPSCompiler.OnExternal event
FastLowerCase ifps3utl Fast uppercase
FastUpperCase ifps3utl Fast uppercase
FloatToStr ifps3utl Convert a float to a string
FreePIFVariantList ifps3 Free a list of variants and also the list
Fw ifps3utl Return the first word of a string
GetIFPSArrayLength ifps3 Get the length of a variant array
GetInt ifps3 Get the value of a variant (as Longint)
GetReal ifps3 Get the value of a variant (as Extended)
GetString ifps3 Get the value of a variant (as String)
GetUInt ifps3 Get the value of a variant (as Cardinal/Longword)
GRFW ifps3utl Get the first word and remove it
IFPSAddrNegativeStackStart ifps3common Start of the negative stack
IFPSAddrStackStart ifps3common Start of the positive stack
IFPSCurrentBuildNo ifps3common The current build of the compiler and executer.
IFPSCurrentversion ifps3common The current version of the script engine
IFPSLowBuildSupport ifps3common The lowest supported build by the executer.
IFPSMessageToString ifpscomp Convert a message to a string
IFPSValidHeader ifps3common The header of a compiled IFPS3 binary must start with this
IFPSVariantToString ifps3 Convert a variant to a string
InnerfuseCall ifpicall  
IntToStr ifps3utl Integer to string conversion
LGetInt ifps3 Get the value of an Integer variant in a list
LGetReal ifps3 Get the value of a real variant in a list
LGetStr ifps3 Get the value of a string variant in a list
LGetUInt ifps3 Get the value of an unsigned integer variant in a list
LSetInt ifps3 Set the value of an Integer variant in a list
LSetReal ifps3 Set the value of a real variant in a list
LSetStr ifps3 Set the value of a string variant in a list
LSetUInt ifps3 Set the value of an unsigned integer variant in a list
MakeHash ifps3common Make a hash of a string
MaxListSize ifps3utl Maximum number of items in a list
OptimizeScript ifps3optm  
PBTArray ifps3 pbtrecord PBTRecord
pbtrecord ifps3 PBTRecord is a pointer to a TbtRecord record
PBTReturnAddress ifps3 TBTReturnAddress PBTReturnAddress is a pointer to an TBTReturnAddress record
PByteArray ifps3 Pointer to array of bytes
PCalc_Item ifpscomp i
PDWordArray ifps3 Pointer to array of words
PIFProcRec ifps3 TIFProcRec PIFProcRec is a pointer to a TIProcRec record
PIFPSConstant ifpscomp PIFPSContant is a pointer to a TIFPSConstant
PIFPSPascalCompilerMessage ifpscomp Contains a pointer to an TIFPSPascalCompilerMessages record
PIFPSProceduralType ifpscomp PIFPSProceduralType is a pointer to TIFPSProceduralType
PIFPSProcedure ifpscomp PIFPSProcedure is a pointer to a TIFPSProcedure
PIFPSProcVar ifpscomp TIFPSProcVar PIFPSProcVar is a pointer to a TIFPSProcVar record
PIFPSRecordType ifpscomp PIFPSRecordType is is used to store records
PIFPSRegProc ifpscomp  
PIFPSResource ifps3 TIFPSResource PIFPSResource is a pointer to a TIFPSResource record
PIFPSType ifpscomp PIFPSType is a pointer to a TIFPSType record
PIFPSUsedRegProc ifpscomp PIFPSUsedRegProc is a pointer to an TIFPSUsedRegProc
PIFPSValue ifpscomp Pointer to TIFPSValue type
PIFPSVar ifpscomp PIFPSVar is a pointer to a TIFPSVar record
PIFRecField ifpscomp if calcCmd > 128 then it's already processed
PIFRecordType ifps3 PIFRecordType is a pointer to record information
PIFTypeRec ifps3 Pointer to TIFTypeRec
PIFVariant ifps3 TIFVariant PIFVariant is a pointer to a TIFVariant
PIfVariant ifpscomp The compile time variant
PPIFVariant ifps3 PIFVariant PPIFVariant is a pointer to a PIFVariant
PPointerList ifps3utl PPointerList is pointing to an array of pointers
PProcRec ifps3 TProcRec PProcRec is pointer to a TProcRec record
PResourcePtrSupportFuncs ifpicall  
ProcessDllImport ifpidll2runtime Process a dll import (no need to call this function)
RegisterClassLibaryRuntime ifpiclassruntime Register the classes at runtime
RegisterDelphiFunctionC ifpidelphi Register a normal Delphi function at runtime. Decl should be the exact declaration of the function. But since the const keyword is not support yet, you should leave that out.
RegisterDelphiFunctionR ifpidelphiruntime Register a delphi function
RegisterDLLRuntime ifpidll2runtime Register the dll runtime library
RegisterStandardLibrary_C ifps3lib_std In your Compilers OnUses proc: RegisterStandardLibrary_C registers the standard library. function floattostr(e: extended): string; function inttostr(i: Longint): string; function strtoint(s: string): Longint; function strtointdef(s: string; def: Longint): Longint; function copy(s: string; ifrom, icount: Longint): string; function pos(substr, s: string): Longint; procedure delete(var s: string; ifrom, icount: Longint): string; procedure insert(s: string; var s2: string; ipos: Longint): string; function getarraylength(var v: array): Integer; procedure setarraylength(var v: array; i: Integer); Function StrGet(var S : String; I : Integer) : Char; procedure StrSet(c : Char; I : Integer; var s : String); Function Uppercase(s : string) : string; Function Lowercase(s : string) : string; Function Trim(s : string) : string; Function Length(s : String) : Longint; procedure SetLength(var S: String; L: Longint); Function Sin(e : Extended) : Extended; Function Cos(e : Extended) : Extended; Function Sqrt(e : Extended) : Extended; Function Round(e : Extended) : Longint; Function Trunc(e : Extended) : Longint; Function Int(e : Extended) : Longint; Function Pi : Extended; Function Abs(e : Extended) : Extended; function StrToFloat(s: string): Extended; Function FloatToStr(e : Extended) : String; Function Padl(s : string;I : longInt) : string; Function Padr(s : string;I : longInt) : string; Function Padz(s : string;I : longInt) : string; Function Replicate(c : char;I : longInt) : string; Function StringOfChar(c : char;I : longInt) : string;
RegisterStandardLibrary_R ifps3lib_stdr This function registers all standard functions. Call this function before loading your script into the executer.
SetIFPSArrayLength ifps3 Set the length of a variant array
SetVarExportName ifpscomp Set the name of an exported variable
SetVariantToClass ifpiclassruntime Set a runtime variant
StrToInt ifps3utl String to integer
StrToIntDef ifps3utl String to integer
TBTArray ifps3 TbtRecord tbtrecord
TbtDouble ifps3common Double
TbtExtended ifps3common Extended
TbtRecord ifps3 TbtRecord is used to store the fields in a record or array
TBTReturnAddress ifps3 TBTReturnAddress is a record used to store return information
TbtS16 ifps3common Smallint
TbtS32 ifps3common Integer/Longint
tbts64 ifps3common An 8 byte signed integer (int64)
TbtS8 ifps3common Shortint
TbtSingle ifps3common Single
TbtString ifps3common String/Pchar
TbtU16 ifps3common word
TbtU32 ifps3common Cardinal/Longword
TbtU8 ifps3common Byte
TByteArray ifps3 Array of bytes
TCalc_Item ifpscomp  
TCallingConvention ifpicall Defines: NOSMARTLIST - Don't use the smart list option NOSMARTMM - Don't use the smart PIFVariant allocater
TDebugMode ifps3debug The current debugging mode
TDelphiCallingConvention ifpidelphiruntime The calling convention
TDllCallingConvention ifpidll2 Used to store the possible calling conventions
TDWordArray ifps3 Array of dwords
TIFArrayType ifps3 TIFArrayType is a pointer to an other type
TIFError ifps3 TIFError contains all possible errors
TIFErrorToString ifps3 Convert an error to a string
TIFFreeProc ifps3 PProcRec FreeProc is called when a PProcRec is freed
TIfList ifps3utl TIfList is the list class used in IFPS
TIFParserError ifps3utl The error occured while parsing
TIFParserErrorKind ifps3utl TIFParserErrorKind is used to store the parser error
TIfPascalParser ifps3utl TIfPacalParser is the parser used to parse the current script
TIfPasToken ifps3utl TIFPasToken is used to store the type of the current token
TIFProc ifps3 TIFPSExec PIFProcRec TIfList TIFProc is is the procedure definition of all external functions
TIFProcRec ifps3 TIFProcRec contains a currently used internal or external function
TIFPSBaseType ifps3common TIFPSBaseType is the most basic type -type
TIFPSCompileTimeClass ifpiclass Compiletime class
TIFPSCompileTimeClassesImporter ifpiclass Class importer at compile time
TIFPSConstant ifpscomp TIFPSContant contains a constant
TIFPSDebugExec ifps3debug The TIFPSDebugExec class is used to load and use compiler debug information
TIFPSExec ifps3 TIFPSExec is the core of the script engine executer
TIFPSExternalClass ifpscomp TIFPSExternalClass is used when external classes need to be called
TIFPSOnExportCheck ifpscomp See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnExportCheck
TIFPSOnExternalProc ifpscomp See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnExternalProc
TIFPSOnLineEvent ifps3 See TIFPSExec.OnRunLine
TIFPSOnSpecialProcImport ifps3 See TIFPSExec.AddSpecialProcImport
TIFPSOnUses ifpscomp See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnUses
TIFPSOnUseVariable ifpscomp See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnUseVariable
TIFPSOnWriteLineEvent ifpscomp See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnWriteLine
TIFPSPascalCompiler ifpscomp  
TIFPSPascalCompilerError ifpscomp Is used to store the type of a compiler error
TIFPSPascalCompilerHint ifpscomp Used to store the type of a hint
TIFPSPascalCompilerMessage ifpscomp Contains compiler messages
TIFPSPascalCompilerMessageType ifpscomp Is used to store the type of the messages
TIFPSPascalCompilerWarning ifpscomp Is used to store the type of a warning
TIFPSProceduralType ifpscomp TIFPSProceduralType contains information to store procedural variables
TIFPSProcedure ifpscomp TIFPSProcdure is used to store information about a procedure
TIFPSProcVar ifpscomp TIFPSProcVar is used to store procedural variables
TIFPSPropType ifpiclass Property type: iptRW = Read/Write; iptR= readonly; iptW= writeonly
TIFPSRecordType ifpscomp TIFPSRecordType is is used to store records
TIFPSRegProc ifpscomp TIFPSRegProc is used to store the registered procs
TIFPSResource ifps3 A resource in IFPS3 is stored as a pointer to the proc and a tag (p)
TIFPSResourceFreeProc ifps3 TIFPSResourceFreeProc is called when a resource needs to be freed
TIFPSRuntimeClass ifpiclassruntime TIFPSRuntimeClass is one class at runtime
TIFPSRuntimeClassImporter ifpiclassruntime TIFPSRuntimeClassImporter is the runtime class importer
TIFPSType ifpscomp TIFPSType contains a type definition
TIFPSUsedRegProc ifpscomp TIFPSUsedRegProc is used to store used registered procs
TIFPSValue ifpscomp Type containing types
TIFPSVar ifpscomp TIFPSVar is used to store global variables
TIFPSVariableType ifps3common OnUseVariable TIFPSVariableType is used in TIFPSComp.OnUseVariable event
TIFRecField ifpscomp  
TIFRecordType ifps3 TIFRecordType is used to store information about records
TIFStatus ifps3 The current status of the script
TIfStringList ifps3utl  
TIFTypeRec ifps3 TIFTypeRec is used to store all types inside the script
TIFVariant ifps3 TIFvariant is variant used for storing all variables used by the script
TIfVariant ifpscomp The compile time variant
TOnIdleCall ifps3debug see TIFPSDebugExec.OnIdleCall
TOnSourceLine ifps3debug see TIFPSDebugExec.OnSourceLine
TPointerList ifps3utl An array of pointers
TProcRec ifps3 TProcrec is used to store an external function that could be used by the script executer
TransByteToStr ifpscomp Transform a byte to a string
TransCardinalToStr ifpscomp Transform a cardinal to a string
TransDoubleToStr ifpscomp Transform a double to a string
TransExtendedToStr ifpscomp Transform a extended to a string
TransLongintToStr ifpscomp Transform a longint to a string
TransShortIntToStr ifpscomp Transform a shortint to a string
TransSingleToStr ifpscomp Transform a single to a string
TransSmallIntToStr ifpscomp Transform a smallint to a string
TransWordToStr ifpscomp Transform a word to a string
TResourcePtrSupportFuncs ifpicall  
TResourcePtrToStrProc ifpicall  
TResultToRsourcePtr ifpicall  
TRPSResultMethod ifpicall  
TSubOptType ifpscomp Internal type used to store the current block type
TVariantResourceFreeProc ifps3 TVRMode TVariantResourceFreeProc is used when the scriptengine needs to free or duplicate a resourcepointer
TVarResourcePtrToStrProc ifpicall  
TVRFMode ifps3 TVariantResourceFreeProc TVRMode is used to when the scriptengine needs to free or duplicate a resourcepointer
VGetFloat ifps3  
VGetInt ifps3  
VGetInt64 ifps3  
VGetString ifps3  
VSetFloat ifps3  
VSetInt ifps3  
VSetInt64 ifps3  
VSetString ifps3  

Generated by rjPasDoc 0.7 on Wed 15 May 2002 19:21:35