Classes, Interfaces, Objects
Functions, Procedures

Unit ifpscomp


ifpscomp is the compiler part of the script engine

Classes, interfaces and objects

Class TIFPSExternalClass TIFPSExternalClass is used when external classes need to be called
Class TIFPSPascalCompiler  

Functions and procedures


function IFPSMessageToString(x: PIFPSPascalCompilerMessage): string;
procedure SetVarExportName(P: PIFPSVar; const ExpName: string);
function TransByteToStr(D: Byte): string;
function TransCardinalToStr(D: Cardinal): string;
function TransDoubleToStr(D: Double): string;
function TransExtendedToStr(D: Extended): string;
function TransLongintToStr(D: Longint): string;
function TransShortIntToStr(D: ShortInt): string;
function TransSingleToStr(D: Single): string;
function TransSmallIntToStr(D: SmallInt): string;
function TransWordToStr(D: Word): string;


function IFPSMessageToString(x: PIFPSPascalCompilerMessage): string;

Convert a message to a string

procedure SetVarExportName(P: PIFPSVar; const ExpName: string);

Set the name of an exported variable

function TransByteToStr(D: Byte): string;

Transform a byte to a string

function TransCardinalToStr(D: Cardinal): string;

Transform a cardinal to a string

function TransDoubleToStr(D: Double): string;

Transform a double to a string

function TransExtendedToStr(D: Extended): string;

Transform a extended to a string

function TransLongintToStr(D: Longint): string;

Transform a longint to a string

function TransShortIntToStr(D: ShortInt): string;

Transform a shortint to a string

function TransSingleToStr(D: Single): string;

Transform a single to a string

function TransSmallIntToStr(D: SmallInt): string;

Transform a smallint to a string

function TransWordToStr(D: Word): string;

Transform a word to a string


PCalc_Item i
PIFPSConstant PIFPSContant is a pointer to a TIFPSConstant
PIFPSPascalCompilerMessage Contains a pointer to an TIFPSPascalCompilerMessages record
PIFPSProceduralType PIFPSProceduralType is a pointer to TIFPSProceduralType
PIFPSProcedure PIFPSProcedure is a pointer to a TIFPSProcedure
PIFPSProcVar TIFPSProcVar PIFPSProcVar is a pointer to a TIFPSProcVar record
PIFPSRecordType PIFPSRecordType is is used to store records
PIFPSType PIFPSType is a pointer to a TIFPSType record
PIFPSUsedRegProc PIFPSUsedRegProc is a pointer to an TIFPSUsedRegProc
PIFPSValue Pointer to TIFPSValue type
PIFPSVar PIFPSVar is a pointer to a TIFPSVar record
PIFRecField if calcCmd > 128 then it's already processed
PIfVariant The compile time variant
TIFPSConstant TIFPSContant contains a constant
TIFPSOnExportCheck See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnExportCheck
TIFPSOnExternalProc See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnExternalProc
TIFPSOnUses See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnUses
TIFPSOnUseVariable See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnUseVariable
TIFPSOnWriteLineEvent See TIFPSPascalCompiler.OnWriteLine
TIFPSPascalCompilerError Is used to store the type of a compiler error
TIFPSPascalCompilerHint Used to store the type of a hint
TIFPSPascalCompilerMessage Contains compiler messages
TIFPSPascalCompilerMessageType Is used to store the type of the messages
TIFPSPascalCompilerWarning Is used to store the type of a warning
TIFPSProceduralType TIFPSProceduralType contains information to store procedural variables
TIFPSProcedure TIFPSProcdure is used to store information about a procedure
TIFPSProcVar TIFPSProcVar is used to store procedural variables
TIFPSRecordType TIFPSRecordType is is used to store records
TIFPSRegProc TIFPSRegProc is used to store the registered procs
TIFPSType TIFPSType contains a type definition
TIFPSUsedRegProc TIFPSUsedRegProc is used to store used registered procs
TIFPSValue Type containing types
TIFPSVar TIFPSVar is used to store global variables
TIfVariant The compile time variant
TSubOptType Internal type used to store the current block type


CVAL_Addr Internal constant: used when a value must be read from an address
CVAL_AllocatedStackReg Internal constant: same as address except that it has to be freed otherwise
CVAL_Array Internal Constant: Array
CVAL_ArrayAllocatedStackRec Internal Constant: ArrayAllocatedStackRec same as CVAL_AllocatedStackReg
CVAL_ClassMethodCall Internal contant: A method call
CVAL_ClassProcCall Internal constant: A method call
CVAL_ClassPropertyCallGet Internal constant: Property get method
CVAL_ClassPropertyCallSet Internal constant: Property set method
CVAL_Data Internal constant: used when a value is plain data
CVAL_Eval Internal constant: used when there are sub calculations
CVAL_Proc Internal constant: used for function calls
CVAL_PushAddr Internal constant: used when a value must be read from an address and pushed
CVAL_VarProc Internal Constant: Procedural Call with variable procedure number

Generated by rjPasDoc 0.7 on Wed 15 May 2002 19:21:35