Classes, Interfaces, Objects
Functions, Procedures

All Constants

btArray ifps3common An array
btClass ifps3common Compile time class type; In IFPS3 external classes are not of one defined type (They could be anything from an integer to a pointer)
btDouble ifps3common A 8 byte float (double)
btEnum ifps3common Compile time enumeration; This will be a btu32 when compiled
btExtended ifps3common A 10 byte float (extended)
btPChar ifps3common A PChar (internally the same as a string)
btPointer ifps3common A pointer
btProcPtr ifps3common Compile time procedural pointer (will be btu32 when compiled)
btRecord ifps3common A record
btResourcePointer ifps3common A resource pointer: Variable that can contain things from outside the script engine
btReturnAddress ifps3common Executer internal type for return addresses, can not be used as a type
btS16 ifps3common A 2 byte signed integer (smallint)
btS32 ifps3common A 4 byte signed integer (Integer/Longint)
btS64 ifps3common An 8 byte signed integer (int64)
btS8 ifps3common A 1 byte signed integer (Shortint)
btSingle ifps3common A 4 byte float (single)
btString ifps3common A string
btU16 ifps3common A 2 byte unsigned integer (word)
btU32 ifps3common A 4 byte unsigned integer (cardinal/longword)
btU8 ifps3common A 1 byte unsigned integer (byte)
btVariant ifps3common A variant
CM_A ifps3common Script internal command: Assign command
cm_bn ifps3common Script internal command: Boolean NOT
Cm_C ifps3common Script internal command: Call
CM_CA ifps3common Script internal command: Calculate Command
Cm_CG ifps3common Script internal command: Conditional Goto
Cm_CNG ifps3common Script internal command: Conditional NOT Goto
CM_CO ifps3common Script internal command: Compare
Cm_cv ifps3common Script internal command: Call Var
cm_fg ifps3common Script internal command: Flag Goto
Cm_G ifps3common Script internal command: Goto
CM_P ifps3common Script internal command: Push
CM_PO ifps3common Script internal command: Pop
Cm_Pt ifps3common Script internal command: Push Type
CM_PV ifps3common Script internal command: Push Var
Cm_R ifps3common Script internal command: Ret
cm_sf ifps3common Script internal command: Set Flag
cm_sp ifps3common Script internal command: Set Pointer
Cm_ST ifps3common Script internal command: Set Stack Type
cm_vm ifps3common Script internal command: Var Minus
CVAL_Addr ifpscomp Internal constant: used when a value must be read from an address
CVAL_AllocatedStackReg ifpscomp Internal constant: same as address except that it has to be freed otherwise
CVAL_Array ifpscomp Internal Constant: Array
CVAL_ArrayAllocatedStackRec ifpscomp Internal Constant: ArrayAllocatedStackRec same as CVAL_AllocatedStackReg
CVAL_ClassMethodCall ifpscomp Internal contant: A method call
CVAL_ClassProcCall ifpscomp Internal constant: A method call
CVAL_ClassPropertyCallGet ifpscomp Internal constant: Property get method
CVAL_ClassPropertyCallSet ifpscomp Internal constant: Property set method
CVAL_Data ifpscomp Internal constant: used when a value is plain data
CVAL_Eval ifpscomp Internal constant: used when there are sub calculations
CVAL_Proc ifpscomp Internal constant: used for function calls
CVAL_PushAddr ifpscomp Internal constant: used when a value must be read from an address and pushed
CVAL_VarProc ifpscomp Internal Constant: Procedural Call with variable procedure number
DelphiRPFunc ifpidelphiruntime See source
IFPSAddrNegativeStackStart ifps3common Start of the negative stack
IFPSAddrStackStart ifps3common Start of the positive stack
IFPSCurrentBuildNo ifps3common The current build of the compiler and executer.
IFPSCurrentversion ifps3common The current version of the script engine
IFPSLowBuildSupport ifps3common The lowest supported build by the executer.
IFPSValidHeader ifps3common The header of a compiled IFPS3 binary must start with this
MaxListSize ifps3utl Maximum number of items in a list

Generated by rjPasDoc 0.7 on Wed 15 May 2002 19:21:35