Classes, Interfaces, Objects
Functions, Procedures

Unit ifps3


The execute part of the script engine

Classes, interfaces and objects

Class TIFPSExec TIFPSExec is the core of the script engine executer

Functions and procedures


function CreateVariant(MM: Pointer; n: PIFTypeRec): PIfVariant;
procedure DisposeVariant(MM: Pointer; p: PIfVariant);
procedure FreePIFVariantList(MM: Pointer; List: TIfList);
function GetIFPSArrayLength(SE: TIFPSExec; p: PIfVariant): Cardinal;
function GetInt(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Longint;
function GetReal(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Extended;
function GetString(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): string;
function GetUInt(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Cardinal;
function IFPSVariantToString(p: PIfVariant): string;
function LGetInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Longint;
function LGetReal(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Extended;
function LGetStr(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): string;
function LGetUInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Cardinal;
procedure LSetInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; Val: Longint);
procedure LSetReal(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; const Val: Extended);
procedure LSetStr(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; const s: string);
procedure LSetUInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; Val: Cardinal);
procedure SetIFPSArrayLength(SE: TIFPSExec; p: PIfVariant; NewLength: Cardinal);
function TIFErrorToString(x: TIFError; const Param: string): string;
function VGetFloat(P: PIFVariant): Extended;
function VGetInt(P: PIFVariant): Longint;
function VGetInt64(P: PIFVariant): Int64;
function VGetString(P: PIFVariant): string;
procedure VSetFloat(P: PIFVariant; const d: Extended);
procedure VSetInt(P: PIFVariant; const d: Longint);
procedure VSetInt64(P: PIFVariant; const d: Int64);
procedure VSetString(P: PIFVariant; const d: string);


function CreateVariant(MM: Pointer; n: PIFTypeRec): PIfVariant;

Create a variant

procedure DisposeVariant(MM: Pointer; p: PIfVariant);

Decrease the variant's refcount and free it if it's 0

procedure FreePIFVariantList(MM: Pointer; List: TIfList);

Free a list of variants and also the list

function GetIFPSArrayLength(SE: TIFPSExec; p: PIfVariant): Cardinal;

Get the length of a variant array

function GetInt(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Longint;

Get the value of a variant (as Longint)

function GetReal(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Extended;

Get the value of a variant (as Extended)

function GetString(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): string;

Get the value of a variant (as String)

function GetUInt(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Cardinal;

Get the value of a variant (as Cardinal/Longword)

function IFPSVariantToString(p: PIfVariant): string;

Convert a variant to a string

function LGetInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Longint;

Get the value of an Integer variant in a list

function LGetReal(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Extended;

Get the value of a real variant in a list

function LGetStr(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): string;

Get the value of a string variant in a list

function LGetUInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Cardinal;

Get the value of an unsigned integer variant in a list

procedure LSetInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; Val: Longint);

Set the value of an Integer variant in a list

procedure LSetReal(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; const Val: Extended);

Set the value of a real variant in a list

procedure LSetStr(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; const s: string);

Set the value of a string variant in a list

procedure LSetUInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; Val: Cardinal);

Set the value of an unsigned integer variant in a list

procedure SetIFPSArrayLength(SE: TIFPSExec; p: PIfVariant; NewLength: Cardinal);

Set the length of a variant array

function TIFErrorToString(x: TIFError; const Param: string): string;

Convert an error to a string

function VGetFloat(P: PIFVariant): Extended;


function VGetInt(P: PIFVariant): Longint;


function VGetInt64(P: PIFVariant): Int64;


function VGetString(P: PIFVariant): string;


procedure VSetFloat(P: PIFVariant; const d: Extended);


procedure VSetInt(P: PIFVariant; const d: Longint);


procedure VSetInt64(P: PIFVariant; const d: Int64);


procedure VSetString(P: PIFVariant; const d: string);



PBTArray pbtrecord PBTRecord
pbtrecord PBTRecord is a pointer to a TbtRecord record
PBTReturnAddress TBTReturnAddress PBTReturnAddress is a pointer to an TBTReturnAddress record
PByteArray Pointer to array of bytes
PDWordArray Pointer to array of words
PIFProcRec TIFProcRec PIFProcRec is a pointer to a TIProcRec record
PIFPSResource TIFPSResource PIFPSResource is a pointer to a TIFPSResource record
PIFRecordType PIFRecordType is a pointer to record information
PIFTypeRec Pointer to TIFTypeRec
PIFVariant TIFVariant PIFVariant is a pointer to a TIFVariant
PPIFVariant PIFVariant PPIFVariant is a pointer to a PIFVariant
PProcRec TProcRec PProcRec is pointer to a TProcRec record
TBTArray TbtRecord tbtrecord
TbtRecord TbtRecord is used to store the fields in a record or array
TBTReturnAddress TBTReturnAddress is a record used to store return information
TByteArray Array of bytes
TDWordArray Array of dwords
TIFArrayType TIFArrayType is a pointer to an other type
TIFError TIFError contains all possible errors
TIFFreeProc PProcRec FreeProc is called when a PProcRec is freed
TIFProc TIFPSExec PIFProcRec TIfList TIFProc is is the procedure definition of all external functions
TIFProcRec TIFProcRec contains a currently used internal or external function
TIFPSOnLineEvent See TIFPSExec.OnRunLine
TIFPSOnSpecialProcImport See TIFPSExec.AddSpecialProcImport
TIFPSResource A resource in IFPS3 is stored as a pointer to the proc and a tag (p)
TIFPSResourceFreeProc TIFPSResourceFreeProc is called when a resource needs to be freed
TIFRecordType TIFRecordType is used to store information about records
TIFStatus The current status of the script
TIFTypeRec TIFTypeRec is used to store all types inside the script
TIFVariant TIFvariant is variant used for storing all variables used by the script
TProcRec TProcrec is used to store an external function that could be used by the script executer
TVariantResourceFreeProc TVRMode TVariantResourceFreeProc is used when the scriptengine needs to free or duplicate a resourcepointer
TVRFMode TVariantResourceFreeProc TVRMode is used to when the scriptengine needs to free or duplicate a resourcepointer

Generated by rjPasDoc 0.7 on Wed 15 May 2002 19:21:35