The execute part of the script engine
Name | Description |
Class TIFPSExec | TIFPSExec is the core of the script engine executer |
function CreateVariant(MM: Pointer; n: PIFTypeRec): PIfVariant; |
Create a variant
procedure DisposeVariant(MM: Pointer; p: PIfVariant); |
Decrease the variant's refcount and free it if it's 0
procedure FreePIFVariantList(MM: Pointer; List: TIfList); |
Free a list of variants and also the list
function GetIFPSArrayLength(SE: TIFPSExec; p: PIfVariant): Cardinal; |
Get the length of a variant array
function GetInt(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Longint; |
Get the value of a variant (as Longint)
function GetReal(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Extended; |
Get the value of a variant (as Extended)
function GetString(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): string; |
Get the value of a variant (as String)
function GetUInt(Src: PIfVariant; var s: Boolean): Cardinal; |
Get the value of a variant (as Cardinal/Longword)
function IFPSVariantToString(p: PIfVariant): string; |
Convert a variant to a string
function LGetInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Longint; |
Get the value of an Integer variant in a list
function LGetReal(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Extended; |
Get the value of a real variant in a list
function LGetStr(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): string; |
Get the value of a string variant in a list
function LGetUInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
Get the value of an unsigned integer variant in a list
procedure LSetInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; Val: Longint); |
Set the value of an Integer variant in a list
procedure LSetReal(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; const Val: Extended); |
Set the value of a real variant in a list
procedure LSetStr(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; const s: string); |
Set the value of a string variant in a list
procedure LSetUInt(List: TIfList; Pos: Cardinal; Val: Cardinal); |
Set the value of an unsigned integer variant in a list
procedure SetIFPSArrayLength(SE: TIFPSExec; p: PIfVariant; NewLength: Cardinal); |
Set the length of a variant array
function TIFErrorToString(x: TIFError; const Param: string): string; |
Convert an error to a string
function VGetFloat(P: PIFVariant): Extended; |
function VGetInt(P: PIFVariant): Longint; |
function VGetInt64(P: PIFVariant): Int64; |
function VGetString(P: PIFVariant): string; |
procedure VSetFloat(P: PIFVariant; const d: Extended); |
procedure VSetInt(P: PIFVariant; const d: Longint); |
procedure VSetInt64(P: PIFVariant; const d: Int64); |
procedure VSetString(P: PIFVariant; const d: string); |
Name | Description |
PBTArray | pbtrecord PBTRecord |
pbtrecord | PBTRecord is a pointer to a TbtRecord record |
PBTReturnAddress | TBTReturnAddress PBTReturnAddress is a pointer to an TBTReturnAddress record |
PByteArray | Pointer to array of bytes |
PDWordArray | Pointer to array of words |
PIFProcRec | TIFProcRec PIFProcRec is a pointer to a TIProcRec record |
PIFPSResource | TIFPSResource PIFPSResource is a pointer to a TIFPSResource record |
PIFRecordType | PIFRecordType is a pointer to record information |
PIFTypeRec | Pointer to TIFTypeRec |
PIFVariant | TIFVariant PIFVariant is a pointer to a TIFVariant |
PPIFVariant | PIFVariant PPIFVariant is a pointer to a PIFVariant |
PProcRec | TProcRec PProcRec is pointer to a TProcRec record |
TBTArray | TbtRecord tbtrecord |
TbtRecord | TbtRecord is used to store the fields in a record or array |
TBTReturnAddress | TBTReturnAddress is a record used to store return information |
TByteArray | Array of bytes |
TDWordArray | Array of dwords |
TIFArrayType | TIFArrayType is a pointer to an other type |
TIFError | TIFError contains all possible errors |
TIFFreeProc | PProcRec FreeProc is called when a PProcRec is freed |
TIFProc | TIFPSExec PIFProcRec TIfList TIFProc is is the procedure definition of all external functions |
TIFProcRec | TIFProcRec contains a currently used internal or external function |
TIFPSOnLineEvent | See TIFPSExec.OnRunLine |
TIFPSOnSpecialProcImport | See TIFPSExec.AddSpecialProcImport |
TIFPSResource | A resource in IFPS3 is stored as a pointer to the proc and a tag (p) |
TIFPSResourceFreeProc | TIFPSResourceFreeProc is called when a resource needs to be freed |
TIFRecordType | TIFRecordType is used to store information about records |
TIFStatus | The current status of the script |
TIFTypeRec | TIFTypeRec is used to store all types inside the script |
TIFVariant | TIFvariant is variant used for storing all variables used by the script |
TProcRec | TProcrec is used to store an external function that could be used by the script executer |
TVariantResourceFreeProc | TVRMode TVariantResourceFreeProc is used when the scriptengine needs to free or duplicate a resourcepointer |
TVRFMode | TVariantResourceFreeProc TVRMode is used to when the scriptengine needs to free or duplicate a resourcepointer |