Viewing Disk and Drive Properties
Formatting Disks
Read/Write Protecting Disks
Copying Disks
Ejecting Disks

  Viewing Disk and Drive Properties

Property Screens provide detailed information about the selected drive, the disk in the drive, the adapter to which the drive is connected (where applicable), and the computer. The Iomega Properties screen contains both drive and disk information. To view the properties of your disk and drives:

  1. Double click My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. Right click your Iomega drive icon.
  3. Click Properties.

From the properties screens, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Change the drive letter for an Iomega drive
  • Access help information.

Iomega Tab

The Iomega Tab contains disk and drive information.

Under the Disk Section you can locate the following information:

  • The type of disk that is in the drive.

  • The format life of the disk.
    NOTE: If Format Life indicates "Long Format Recommended," it does not necessarily mean anything is wrong with the disk. Usually flagged sectors have just exceeded a reasonable level. However, remember to move the data before formatting.

  • The disk life status
    NOTE: If Disk Life indicates "Marginal," the disk is approaching the end of its prime. In this case, move the data to a new disk and use the old one for less active service, such as archiving.

  • The label of the disk.

  • The manufacturing date of the disk.

Under the Drive Section you can locate the following information:

  • The type of drive that is connected
  • The driver that is being used
  • The version of the software that is installed

Drive Letter Tab

From the drive letter tab you can change the drive letter assigned to your Iomega drive.

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