Viewing Disk and Drive Properties
Formatting Disks
Read/Write Protecting Disks
Copying Disks
Ejecting Disks


Copying Disks

You can copy your Iomega disks with the Iomega Copy Disk tool. This tool duplicates Iomega disks using a single Iomega drive. You can also use the Iomega Copy Disk tool to copy one or more floppy disks to a folder (or folders) on an Iomega disk.

To copy disks:

  1. Insert the disk you want to copy into your Iomega drive.
  2. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Select the Iomega CopyDisk tool (indicated with the stylized "i" logo ) from the drive shortcut menu.
  4. Select the disks you want to copy information to and from.
  5. Click the Start button.

The Iomega CopyDisk tool cannot copy files that are open or in use at the time the copy is made.

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