Access user's manuals for my Iomega drives?
Change the volume labels on my Iomega disk?
Change the Iomega drive letter?
Copy my disks?
Get help?
Eject my disks?
Make my Iomega disk bootable?

Perform a long format of my disks?
Perform a short format of my disks?
Protect a disk by using a password?
Protect a disk without a password?


How Do I . . .

Access user's manuals for my Iomega drives?

An HTML user's manual for your Iomega product resides on the CD included with your Iomega product. You can open the manuals in your browser.

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Change the volume labels on my Iomega disks?

To change the volume label:

  1. Insert the disk you want to change the volume label on.
  2. Right click the drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the General tab.
  5. Type in a new volume label in the Label field

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Change the Iomega drive letter?

Windows® 95/98 Users

To change the drive letter for a removable drive:

  1. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Click the Iomega tab.
  4. A list of available drive letters displays (including network drives). Select the drive letter you want to assign to each removable device attached to your system by selecting a new drive letter in the pull-down menu box below the drive icon.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Restart your system for the changes to take effect.

Windows NT® Users

NOTE: You must have administrator privileges for your local computer in order to change drive letters under Windows NT®.

Changing drive letters with Windows NT® can be a technical process. If you install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or above, use the Windows NT Disk Administrator to change the drive letter for removable drives. For additional information on changing drive letters under Windows NT, refer to the MS Knowledegbase on the Microsoft® Corporation web site at

Windows® 2000 Users

NOTE: You must have administrator privileges for your local computer in order to change drive letters under Windows® 2000.

  1. Select Control Panels, Administrator Tools, Computer Management, then Disk Management.
  2. Right click the icon for your Iomega drive and select Change Drive Letter and Path from the shortcut menu.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Click Assign a drive letter and select the letter you want to use for your Iomega drive.

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Copy my disks?

To Copy Iomega disks:

  1. Insert the disk you want to copy into your Iomega drive.
  2. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Select the Iomega CopyDisk tool (indicated with the stylized "i" logo ) from the drive shortcut menu.
  4. Select the disks you want to copy information to and from.
  5. Click the Start button.

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Get help?

When you open an IomegaWare tool, a help button resides on the bottom of each Window. This button links you to the help for IomegaWare.

To receive information on customer support visit one of Iomega's web support sites:

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Eject my disks?

To eject Iomega disks:

  1. Right click the appropriate Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. Click Eject.

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Make my Iomega disk bootable?

If you run Windows® 95 or Windows 98, you can use the IomegaWare format utility to make your disk bootable. (You cannot make the disk bootable without formatting that disk.)

  1. Insert the disk you want to make bootable.
  2. Right click the drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Format.
  4. Select Make disk bootable.
  5. Select the type of format you want to perform.
  6. Click Format.

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Perform a long format of my disks?

To perform a long format of your disk:

  1. Insert your disk.
  2. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Format.
  4. Type a name for the disk in the Disk Name field.
  5. Select Long Format.
  6. Click Format.

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Perform a short format of my disks?

To perform a short format of your disk:

  1. Insert your disk.
  2. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Format.
  4. Type a name for the disk in the Disk Name field.
  5. Select Short Format.
  6. Click Format.

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Protect a disk with a password?

To protect your disk with a password:

  1. Insert your disk.
  2. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Protect.
  4. In the drop down list, select Write Protected or Select Read & Write Protected.
  5. If you selected Write Protected, select Use Password. (If you selected Read & Write Protected, a password is required.)
  6. Type the password in the Enter password and Verify password fields and click OK.

NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive. Remember the case you use when you assign a password to a disk.


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Protect a disk without a password?

To protect your disk without a password:

  1. Insert your disk.
  2. Right click the Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Protect.
  4. In the drop down list, select Write Protected.
  5. Click OK.

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Iomega Corporation
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