
Adjusting Colors


Templates allow the user to save individual pages or a series of pages within one project for later inclusion in another project. Templates can also be used to add a page to the same project multiple times. Templates greatly reduce the time it takes to reproduce similar pages within or between projects. By saving a page once as a template it can be reproduced several times and altered within the new project.


Where is this Option? FILE => APPEND TEMPLATE
The append template window will allow you to select from those templates you have collected using the Save Templates option. Scroll through the template repository using the Prev and Next buttons and select the OK button. If you decide not to use any of the templates select cancel and no templates will be appended.

    For those templates that are no longer needed the user can delete them from the system entirely. Due care should be taken to verify that the template being deleted is the correct one given that their is no un delete function. By deleting those templates that are no longer used the user will free up hard disk space and make sorting through the template repository easier.


Two options for saving templates into the template repository are available.
    Current Page

    Where is this Option? FILE => SAVE TEMPLATE => CURRENT PAGE
    This will save only the page that is currently being viewed into the template repository. The user will be prompted for a template name. The template name should be unique and descriptive for ease of identification at a later stage. The page saved will be displayed as a preview when viewed in the Append Template window.

    All Pages

    Where is this Option? FILE => SAVE TEMPLATE => ALL PAGES
    This will save every page of the open project as a template. The user will be prompted for a template name. The template name should be unique and descriptive for ease of identification at a later stage, often a capital M at the end of the project name helps to identify it as a multiple page template at a later stage. The first page of the multiple page template will be displayed when viewed in the Append Template window.