Text Creation/Editing
Splash! uses objects for text known as text boxes. These boxes help to keep the text in a neat and orderly fashion. There are a number of options available to help style and present the text which are outlined below.
This option can be used to change the highlighted text to bold face. If no text is already highlighted, then anything that you type from this point on will be in bold face. This option can be toggled, meaning that the same key will switch bold face on or off. This option is activated by the key combination ctrl-B.
Cutting text is handled with the ctrl-X key combination and places the selected text into the clipboard, simultaneously removing it from the text box. The removed text can be placed at another location using the Paste feature.
Copying text can be done similarly to the cut function. By highlighting the text, you can then use the ctrl-C key combination to copy it into the clipboard. The text can now be pasted to another location, again using the Paste feature.
Editing text is like any other text editor. The keys are Windows compliant so that any key you would normally use will work in Splash!. To begin editing, right mouse click over the text box and select edit. This will put Splash! into the editing mode. From here you can edit to your heart's content.
Links are used to transport the visitor from one part of the website to another or even to another website completely, a file or an email window. Using text we can create a link in just the same way as we do with an image or any other object.
Italics is another form of changing the style of the text. This option changes any highlighted text into italics. Like bold, it can be toggled. This option is activated by the key combination ctrl-I.
There are 3 ways text can appear, just like most word processors. Splash! is no different and allows the text to be justified to the left, center or the right.
Pasting text will copy whatever information is in the clipboard to the active area. This option is activated by the key combination ctrl-V and is usually used in conjunction with the cut and copy functions.
Another form of text formatting, this option will underline any highlighted text. Activated by ctrl-U, it is also a toggled option.
If you find that you dislike the way you have formatted text, this option will normalize it back to it's original state. This option will work even if you have differing types, sizes, fonts, colours etc. All the text will be normalized.
This option changes the color of any highlighted text. Various colors can be used to quite tastefully enhance the look of your page. Be careful not to use too much as headaches may result, but too little will appear boring.
This will change the font of any highlighted text. There are many varying fonts for you to choose from, and each can give a completely different feel to your page. It's best not to use too many different fonts or it can look cluttered.
If you have a text file that you wish to have in Splash!, you can import the text into any text box instead of having to retype it. All you need to do is choose the text file!
Splash! also provides you with a preview feature. When you select your text file, you will be shown what is contained within your text file, before it is applied to your page.
This option will change the size of any highlighted text. There are 6 different sizes that can be used to display your text.
HTML allows styles to be applied to a page to help format text. There is no real standard between browsers but Splash! provides those that are supported by the most popular.
- Cite - Used for the title of a cited work.
- Code - Used to display examples of code within a paragraph.
- Definition - Used when defining a term for the first time.
- Emphasis - Used to emphasize your text.
- Keyboard - Indicates that the text should be input by the user.
- Sample - Indicates that this text is used literally.
- Strong - Used to strongly emphasize your text.
- Variable - Indicates that the text is used as a variable in a computer program.