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Picture Properties (Multiple Pictures)

If you select multiple pictures and then choose the Picture Properties option, a dialog will display that allows you to change properties for ALL selected pictures. In order to change properties, you must check the properties you want to change and enter the value(s). Conversely, if you want to clear the value, check the property, but leave the value blank (for example to clear the captions on all selected pictures, you would check the "Change captions to:" checkbox, but leave the value blank.

Change captions to: If you check this option, then all selected pictures will have the caption you enter (including clearing it out if you leave the field blank). If you check the "Use filenames for captions" option, then it will set the caption to the filename (without the extension) for any picture that does not have a caption. If you want to force the caption to be the filename (even if a caption exists), then first clear the captions by leaving the caption field blank and pressing "Ok".

Add to keywords: If you check this option, any words you enter will be added to the keywords for all selected pictures. It does not replace any existing keywords.

Remove from keywords: If you check this option, any words you enter will be removed from all selected pictures that have that word. It only removes words that match exactly (it will not get partial words).

Change dates to: If you check this option, then all selected pictures will have their picture date/time changed to the date/time you enter (including clearing it out if left blank). You can change just the date and leave the time blank, but you can not specify just a time. You can click on the calendar button to display a calendar for easy selection of a date. FotoAlbum supports many date formats including partial dates. If the "Use file dates" option is checked, it will change each picture date to the filedate of each picture. It only changes picture dates for ones that are not already set.

Change published to: If you check this option, then all selected pictures will be changed to either non-published or published public or private. Changing to published assumes the pictures already exist in at least one album.

Change Web Reduce to: If you check this option, then all selected pictures will be changed to be stored on the web according to your choices for "Reduce To" and "Compression". For example, if you check "Reduce picture on web" and set the "Reduce To" setting to 800x600, then the next time you sync, this picture will be shrunk/converted to a Jpeg that is no larger than 800x600. Be careful about using this option, since you will not be able to retrieve the original from the FotoTime website. In addition, printing from the web will have less quality since the original is not available.

Warning: You should be careful using this screen. It is possible to change properties of many pictures and there is not an Undo feature. You should look at the lower left corner to get an idea of how many pictures you are changing before pressing "Ok".

See Also

Selecting And Viewing Pictures

Selecting Pictures

Picture Properties (Single)

Picture Properties (Videos)

Picture Properties - File Details

Picture Properties - Embedded Data

Picture Properties - Web Settings

Picture Properties - Albums

Picture Properties - Archive

Locating a picture in the Explorer

Picture Dates

Viewing Thumbnails

Changing Thumbnail Size

Customizing Thumbnails

Using Filters

Quick Date Filtering

Advanced Filters

Custom Views

Clearing Filters

Status Bar Information