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Advanced Filters

The advanced filter dialog allows you to have complete control over the filtering of your pictures. The advanced filtering is available by using the "View->Filter" main menu item or by using the "CTRL-F" shortcut.

Ignore Picture Date: This option shows all pictures (with or without picture dates). It does no filtering based upon dates.

Without a picture date: This option only displays pictures that do NOT have a picture date. This is useful when trying to assign dates to all pictures.

Within a date range: The start and end date can be used to specify an exact date range of pictures. Either a start date, end date or both can be specified.

Text Filter: This allows you to only display pictures that have certain words in the caption, keywords or filename. It is not case-sensitive and all keywords entered must exist for the picture to display. Keywords can separated by commas or spaces. The "Caption", "Keywords" and "Filename" checkboxes allow control over what is searched. If checked, then the word(s) must appear in the caption or keywords. If unchecked, then it does not search that component. Note: Filename searches do NOT support wildcards, but you can achieve similar results by leaving off the wildcard character(s). If the Whole words only checkbox is checked, then only instances of a complete word matching will cause the picture to be located.

Web: These checkboxes allow you to specify only pictures that are non-published or published public or published private. You can choose any combination of these.

Archive: These checkboxes allow you to control whether archiving affects the search. If Non-Archived is checked, then images that have not been archived will appear. If Archived Existing is checked, then images that have been archived, but still exist on your system will appear. If Archived Deleted is checked, then images that have been archived but no longer exist on your system will appear. For archiving to not affect the search, all three of these should be checked.

Only Pictures not assigned to Album(s): This is only available on the All View. If checked it only displays pictures that are not part of any album. This is useful to see what pictures are "unassigned".

Non-Recursive: This is only available on an Album View. When checked, it only shows the pictures in the current group. This is a temporary setting that behaves like the Non-Recursive preference.

Include Pictures: If this is checked, then pictures are displayed. If unchecked, then only videos are shown.

Include Videos: If this is checked, then videos are displayed. If unchecked, then only pictures are shown.

See Also

Selecting And Viewing Pictures

Selecting Pictures

Picture Properties (Single)

Picture Properties (Videos)

Picture Properties - File Details

Picture Properties - Embedded Data

Picture Properties - Web Settings

Picture Properties - Albums

Picture Properties - Archive

Picture Properties (Multiple Pictures)

Locating a picture in the Explorer

Picture Dates

Viewing Thumbnails

Changing Thumbnail Size

Customizing Thumbnails

Using Filters

Quick Date Filtering

Custom Views

Clearing Filters

Status Bar Information