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Quick Date Filtering

The quick date filter is a viewing/selection control displayed on all views. It provides a lot of information and date filtering capabilities in a small space.

It displays a histogram of the picture dates for the currently displayed pictures. It only displays a histogram for pictures that are "dated". The relative height of each bar indicates how many pictures are in that month. In the above diagram, it is obvious that there are a large number of pictures in September-December of 1999. We can also see that we have no pictures beyond July of 2000.

If none of the pictures are dated, then you will see:

Not only does the date selector quickly give you an overview of your pictures (what date they are taken), it also allows you to filter by a date range with a single click.

Selecting a single month

To select a single month, click on the bar that represents the month. As long as your left mouse button is depressed, it will display the month being filtered.

Selecting a range of months

To select a range of several months, click on the bar that represents the starting month and drag to the ending month. As long as your left mouse button is depressed, it will display the range being filtered.

Selecting an entire year

To select an entire year, click on the label for the year (beneath the line where the bars start).

Clearing the date filter

Once a date range has been selected, you can quickly clear the filter by pressing the "All" button that appears to the left of the histogram. This button only appears if a date filter is in effect.

See Also

Selecting And Viewing Pictures

Selecting Pictures

Picture Properties (Single)

Picture Properties (Videos)

Picture Properties - File Details

Picture Properties - Embedded Data

Picture Properties - Web Settings

Picture Properties - Albums

Picture Properties - Archive

Picture Properties (Multiple Pictures)

Locating a picture in the Explorer

Picture Dates

Viewing Thumbnails

Changing Thumbnail Size

Customizing Thumbnails

Using Filters

Advanced Filters

Custom Views

Clearing Filters

Status Bar Information