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Using Filters

Filters provide a powerful mechanism of displaying a subset of the pictures in the current album or view. Albums and groups provide a permanent high-level grouping of pictures. Filters provide even greater control over the pictures displayed and are generally used for quick, temporary selections of pictures.

There are two primary methods of applying filters: Quick and Advanced.

Quick Filters: These filters are applied directly on the view by clicking on one of the filter options. These include the Date filter and Album/Group filter.

Date Filter:

The date filter allows you to quickly select a subset of your pictures based upon the picture date. It only works on pictures that have an assigned picture date. For details about the quick date filter, refer to Quick Date Filtering.

Group Filter:

While technically a filter, it behaves a little different than the other filters. When you click on an album or group, it only displays pictures within the album or group. However you don't clear the filter like you do the others (you merely click at a different location).

You can combine any of these filters to control exactly what pictures you see. For example, you might want to only see Pictures taken from Jan., 1999 through Jan., 2000 that are published public and are part of the "Trips to Europe" group. This can be done by specifying all three of the previous filters.

Advanced Filters

Refer to the Advanced Filter(s) section for details on how to set even more complex filters using the Filter Dialog.

Clearing Filters

Refer to the Clearing Filters section for details on how to clear any filters you set.

See Also

Selecting And Viewing Pictures

Selecting Pictures

Picture Properties (Single)

Picture Properties (Videos)

Picture Properties - File Details

Picture Properties - Embedded Data

Picture Properties - Web Settings

Picture Properties - Albums

Picture Properties - Archive

Picture Properties (Multiple Pictures)

Locating a picture in the Explorer

Picture Dates

Viewing Thumbnails

Changing Thumbnail Size

Customizing Thumbnails

Quick Date Filtering

Advanced Filters

Custom Views

Clearing Filters

Status Bar Information