Quick Steps To Sharing Pictures
The following lists the typical steps involved with starting FotoAlbum Pro for the first time and sharing pictures using the FotoTime website.
- Decide on a location on your system that will contain all of your pictures (e.g. c:\my_pics). If you already have digital pictures (JPEG's), then you will want to move these images inside this folder (creating sub-folders as necessary). Refer to the Picture Folder Overview section to learn more about choosing a picture folder.
- Start FotoAlbum Pro and specify the folder from step 1 as your picture folder. If you are starting FotoAlbum for the first time, then it will walk you through this step. If you have already specified a picture folder, you can change it using the "File->Set Picture Folder.." main menu option. Refer to Setting the Picture Folder section to learn more.
- You will now see all pictures and videos that exist within your picture folder sorted by picture date, the default sort setting. From here you will organize, add captions and decide what pictures to share.
- Create the albums and groups that you wish to use (pictures must be part of at least one album to share on the FotoTime website). Refer to Albums And Groups.
- Add pictures to albums and groups giving them descriptions that you want to appear on the web. You will also want to add captions to your pictures and give them dates (if they don't have an embedded date). Refer to Adding Pictures To Albums And Groups and Picture Properties.
- Ensure the pictures you want to share on the FotoTime site are marked as "Published" (either Public or Private). They will have a globe indicator on the thumbnail. Refer to Private And Public Publishing.
- Setup your FotoTime account (using the "Web->Web Settings" menu option). You enter your registration information to setup a new account or link to an existing one. Refer to Web Settings.
- Use the "Sync Web" feature to synchronize your PC with the FotoTime website. It will copy your albums and published pictures to the site. Any changes you make later will be updated whenever you sync again. Refer to Syncing With The FotoTime Website.
- View your web account by using the "View Web" feature (or logon with your Internet browser). Refer to Viewing Your FotoTime Web Account.
- From the FotoTime website you can send invitations for others to view your pictures and can purchase prints and gifts. Refer to How To Share Pictures With Your Family Or Friends and Purchasing Prints And Gifts.
Warning: It is your responsibility to ensure image files are backed up and stored in a permanent location. Refer to http://www.fototime.com/terms for complete details on the FotoTime terms of service. The FotoTime sync process is not a one-time push of your pictures and you can inadvertently remove pictures from the FotoTime website by unpublishing pictures and re-syncing. DO NOT USE THE FOTOTIME WEBSITE AS A BACKUP SOLUTION FOR YOUR PICTURES.