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Setting the Picture Folder

The first time you start FotoAlbum, you will be prompted to specify a picture folder. You can not start using FotoAlbum until you have set a picture folder.

You can later change your picture folder by using the "File->Set Picture Folder.." main menu option.

Set Pic Dir A

Search for folders that already contain pictures: This option scans your first local hard-drive for folders that have pictures. It then displays the folders that have pictures (ones with the most are located at the top). If one of these folders would make the best picture folder, then click on it and press "Next". Otherwise, choose the following option. This option can take a while and should be used if you are not sure where your pictures are located.

Choose a picture folder: Use this option if you already know the folder you wish to use.

Note: For guidelines on choosing a picture folder, refer to Picture Folder Overview. You will generally not want to change picture folders once you set it, since your FotoTime web account is associated with a single picture folder. Moving or renaming a picture folder does not cause problems as long as you do not remove the FotoAlbum index files and change your picture folder to the new location.

See Also

Getting Started

What Is FotoAlbum?

Licensing and activation

Picture Folder Overview

Types Of Views

Quick Steps To Sharing Pictures

Supported File Types

Getting Additional Help (Online Support)