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Supported File Types

FotoAlbum Pro supports the following file formats, although we continuously add new file formats.

The file extensions must match the extension(s) shown for the file type to work correctly.

Picture file types

Video file types (depends upon the setup of your system):

Note: We recommend capturing and storing pictures as JPEG due to the space savings and benefits of embedded data. FotoAlbum makes use of the embedded EXIF data that many cameras store in pictures to help organize your pictures.

If you edit your pictures using other applications, we recommend keeping an original unmodified file because many applications "strip" or lose the EXIF data when saving.

FotoAlbum does NOT lose any data when rotating or flipping pictures (rotating and flipping are lossless activities).

See Also

Getting Started

What Is FotoAlbum?

Licensing and activation

Picture Folder Overview

Setting the Picture Folder

Types Of Views

Quick Steps To Sharing Pictures

Getting Additional Help (Online Support)