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Syncing With The FotoTime Website

To sync with the FotoTime website, you can:

Whenever you sync, your PC albums and FotoTime web are modified to reflect the changes you have made since your last sync. This is a complete 2-way sync. That means that any changes you made on the website will be made to your local albums (and vice-versa). You can, however, choose which changes to make and even turn off the auto selection of changes during every sync.

If you have albums that you do not wish to sync with the FotoTime website, change the album type to "PC Only" on the album properties dialog. Likewise, if you have albums that you want to stay on the website even after you remove them from your PC, be sure to change the album type to "Web Only".

Once you have sync'ed, you can view the results of the sync using your default web browser by clicking on the "View Web" button.

For details about the sync process and exactly how to control what is done, refer to the FotoSync chapter.

See Also

Sharing Pictures and Videos

What Does Publishing Pictures Mean?

Is It Safe To Publish My Pictures?

Private And Public Publishing

Creating a new FotoTime account

Linking to existing accounts

How To Share Pictures With Family Or Friends

Sharing Videos (Special requirements)

Viewing Your FotoTime Web Account

Multiple Accounts on a Single PC

Syncing Communication Problems

E-Mailing pictures

E-Mail SMTP Setup