What Is FotoAlbum?
FotoAlbum Professional is software for your PC that allows you to easily organize, view, print and share your digital pictures and videos. With little effort you can retrieve pictures and videos from your digital camera, add them to albums or groups, sync to the FotoTime website and share them with family or friends. In addition you can print high quality prints using your own printer or allow us to print them for you and deliver them directly to anyone you wish.
The following lists show you some of the capabilities of FotoAlbum Pro and the FotoTime website:
FotoAlbum Pro has the following features:
- Ability to organize pictures and videos into unlimited albums and groups (multi-level grouping)
- Enhanced printing, including ability to print multi-picture layouts
- Powerful 2-way syncing with the FotoTime website. Sharing pictures and videos has never been easier
- Automatic date extraction and powerful date filtering
- Filtering capability provides complete control over displayed pictures
- Direct connection with digital cameras and scanners
- Ability to create photo show movies with background audio
- Integrated archiving
- Ability to update EXIF dates and captions in images (lossless)
- Configurable screen saver
- Create FotoAlbum CD's (CD's with your pictures/videos and FotoAlbum software)
FotoTime website provides:
- Easy storage and sharing of your pictures and videos
- Easy access to the original files (we store the original)
- Advanced sync process makes managing your account effortless from any location
- Complete control over who can view your pictures (and how long)
- Sophisticated printing of your pictures directly from the website
- Ability to purchase high quality prints, greeting cards or gifts using your pictures
- Same ease of use as FotoAlbum on your PC
- Multiple mechanisms to upload your pictures including a sophisticated ActiveX uploader