
FInally , last 1day

No.39 Iwaki, who retired at ETAP-2 and was missed, was found in UraanBataar on August 23. She submitted the notice of retirement and separated from the officials. Iwaki was taking care of No.4 Ohta, got fractured and retired in the hospital at the town of TAREET, 600m west from UraanBataar. In TAREET, there is only one telephone. So she could contact with the officials when ETAP-6 was held.The staff found her in Uraan Bataar on August 23.

Comment of Director Hirose
Anyway it was a good travel. Takeda showed us the great guts. He led the girls. They also had good experience.

[Today's Haiku]
Last 1 day ;
Sleepy and showering.
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