ETAP-4üi8/18üjWent to horizon. Come from horizon. |
Today's menu is a loop. The goal is the same as the starting point. They run from the wide plain to the skirts of ALTAI mountains. The SAFARI, car of Mr. Takeda, Team IBM, was forced to run without a shock absorber. He arrived at 23:00: after the timeout.
Director Hirose: 40-50km point from the start.
The steering of Miss. Otake's HONDA XR250 got broken. Although she did temporary repair, the motorcycle bumped heavily if she ran over 30km/H. Though there was a penalty, Miss. Otake chose to go back and repair it. Miss. Kuwayama did not have a navigation system due to the electric trouble. First she followed Miss. Otake but she finally got lost.üB
[Today's Haiku]
We are at a loss for no road of road ;
In Mongolian plane.
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