Iwaki got lost and out of gas, then ETAP-2 retired.
Iwaki was lost in ETAP-2 and she could not get to the goal 30 minutes before the ETAP-3 started. She was disqualified. Kuwayama and Otake reached the goal after 0:30A.M.8/18. They seemed exhausted but they were enjoying talking each other.Comment of director Hirose
The result was one member was disqualified. The member who seemed the most tough, retired first. The two of rest impressed me. They tried to run not to use too much energy. In the first half of the race, the four wheels were harsh. They were leadingthe young women. It was really impressive.
The one thing very sure is that everyone enjoys. No one can enjoy as much as we do. Our team ranks high if this factor is counted.