ETAP-2üi8/16üjMember Kuwayama & Otake ran
Mr. Takeda reached the goal at 4 O'clock in the morning.
In ETAP-2, Team IBM started the race but the members were short of sleep because of the delay of the last race. Mr. Takeda arrived at 4:00A.M. on the morning of ETAP-3(Aug.17) Kuwayama & Otake, the female riders, arrived the camp at 7:30A.M. Despite, Miss.Iwaki got lost on the way. (ETAP-2, 8:30A.M.)
Comment of director Hirose I let four wheel cars forward since Takeda
and Izawa got cold. We missed Iwaki. Iwaki might go forward though the
machine was out of gas.
[Today's Haiku]
A.M.2:00 ;
she enjoyed playing and go Mongolian home town.
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