ETAP-7üi8/21üjA hard rain and wind. The start was postponed. |
On this day, it has rained since the morning and when they started was the storm. The cars were covered with mud and struggle to start. Team IBM got stuck for six hours on the way! They fought with sticky mud and have returned at 4:00A.M. on the next morning.
Team IBM Director Hirose We may enjoy until ETAP-9. We won't regret whenever we retire. My mentality undulates; like saying " I never come here" or "What do we do next year?".
[Today's Haiku]
Fighting with hard rain ;
Its the Rally Raid.
[pre-Rally] [ETAP-1] [ETAP-2] [ETAP-3] [ETAP-4] [ETAP-5] [ETAP-6] [ETAP-7] [ETAP-8] [ETAP-9] [ETAP-10]