Right-click any viewport label. > Views > Choose a light.
Keyboard > $
A Light viewport shows the view from a spotlight or directional light, looking at its target.
Light viewport controls include:
Zoom Extents All, Zoom Extents All Selected
Note: Switching to or from a camera view clears the Undo/Redo lists.
To set a Light viewport:
Activate the viewport you want to show the view from a spotlight or directional light in the scene.
Do one of the following:
Press the keyboard shortcut $.
If you have more than one spotlight or directional light in the scene (and none is selected), gmax displays the Select Light dialog: choose the light you want.
Right-click the Viewport label. Choose Views and then choose the light from the Views sub-menu.
If there are more than 10 lights listed, the last entry is "More Lights." Choose this to display the Choose a View dialog, which shows the complete list.
To undo changes to a light viewport, do one of the following:
Click Undo on the main toolbar.
Press CTRL+Z.
Note: This is different from orthographic viewports, which require the use of Views menu > Undo, or SHIFT+Z.