Activate a light viewport. > Viewport navigation controls > Orbit/Pan Light flyout
Orbiting a light
Panning a light
Orbit rotates a light about the target. Pan rotates the target about the light.
To constrain panning or orbiting to a single axis, hold down the SHIFT key. The pan or orbit is constrained to the axis you first move while the SHIFT key is down.
To accelerate panning or orbiting, hold down the CTRL key before you pan or orbit.
Note: This button replaces the Arc Rotate button when a light viewport is active.
To orbit a light:
Activate a Light viewport.
Click Orbit Light.
The button turns green when it is on.
Drag to rotate the view around the target.
Dragging rotates the view freely using the world X and Y axes.
Press SHIFT and drag horizontally to lock view rotation about the world Y axis. This produces a horizontal orbit.
Press SHIFT and drag vertically to lock rotation about the world X axis. This produces a vertical orbit.
Press ESC or right-click to turn off the button.
To pan a light:
Activate a Camera or Light viewport.
Click Pan Light.
The button turns green when it is on.
Drag to rotate the view about the camera or light.
Dragging rotates the view freely using the world X and Y axes.
Press SHIFT and drag horizontally to lock view rotation about the world Y axis. This produces a horizontal pan.
Press SHIFT and drag vertically to lock rotation about the world X axis. This produces a vertical pan.
Press ESC or right-click to turn off the button.
To pan with the middle mouse button:
Hold down the middle mouse button and drag.
Pan mode is automatically switched on.
Orbit Light: Rotates the light about its target. Free lights use the invisible target, set to the target distance specified in the Modify panel > Spotlight Parameters or Directional Parameters rollout.
Pan Light: For a target light, rotates the target about the light. For a free light, rotates the light about its local axes.