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Basic Concepts

The SyncIT BookmarkSync software keeps your browser bookmarks synchronized, regardless of how many different browsers you use, or how many different computers you use. Once your bookmarks are synchronized, you can view them from any computer: an Internet kiosk, an Internet cafe, or your WebTV set.

Once installed and configured, the software runs quietly on your taskbar. The SyncIT icon appears when your bookmarks are synchronized, like so:

Whenever you modify or organize your bookmarks, from either Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer, the icon will go gray . This means SyncIT is trying to connect to the central site, where it will store your bookmarks.

Install BookmarkSync on all of your computers, if you have more than one. Your existing bookmarks will be downloaded as you install the SyncIT software on each of your different computers. Changes you make to your bookmarks on one computer will be made on the other computers.

When you're away from your computer, you can still see the web pages you've bookmarked by logging on to the central BookmarkSync web site.

You can make some or all of your bookmarks accessible to other SyncIT users... and you can see what other users have bookmarked, if they allow you to. If you're constantly using a friend's bookmarks, you can subscribe to his or her bookmarks, so you'll always have fast access to them through the SyncIT icon in your taskbar.

See also: Installing SyncIT for the first time;
Installing SyncIT on other computers;
Your Bookmarks; and
Subscribing to other people's bookmarks.


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