Updating the application

Keeping protection updated is a prerequisite of reliable protection of your computer. Because new viruses, Trojans, and malicious software emerge daily, it is important to update regularly the application to keep your information constantly protected.
Updating of the application implies that the following components will be downloaded and installed on your computer:

The application uses threat signatures to protect information on your computer. The software components that provide protection use them to search for and disinfect harmful objects on your computer. The signatures are added to every hour with records of new threats and methods of how to fight them. Therefore, it is recommended that they be updated on a regular basis.

Active Virus Shield uses threat signatures that protect you both from various malicious and potentially dangerous objects and from hacker attacks.

In addition to the signatures, you can upgrade the modules for Active Virus Shield. New application updates appear regularly.

Updates can be downloaded in one of the following modes:
During updating, the application compares the threat signatures and application modules on your computer with the versions available on the update server. If your computer has the latest version of the signatures and application modules, you will see a notification window confirming that the protection of your computer is up-do-date. If the signatures and modules on your computer and on the update server differ, the application downloads only the incremental part of the updates. Not all the signatures and modules are downloaded, which significantly increases the speed of copying files and saves Internet traffic.
Before updating threat signatures, Active Virus Shield creates backup copies of them. This backup copy can be used if you do not want to use the last version of the database for any reason.
You might need the rollback option, for example, if you update the threat signatures and they are damaged in the process. You can easily roll back to the previous version and try to update the signatures later.
Also see:

Update status

Starting the update process

Rolling back to the previous update

Configuring update settings

Viewing update statistics