With Tools : Options : Language : Localization table, you
can quickly translate the entire interface of SuperMemo to your
native language (only at the beginner and basic levels). The whole translation can be done in 5
minutes, as the entire interface of basic SuperMemo consists of
only 39 strings!
This is the procedure:
- Choose Tools : Options : Language
- Click the field Localization
language (or press Alt+I)
- Type the name of your
language (e.g. Spanish)
- Choose Localization
- In the column Translation,
type in the translation of texts displayed in the column Original
- If necessary, select a
localization font by clicking the font button in the
left-bottom corner of the localization table
- Choose OK and
your translation will appear in the interface of the
The translation file is a text
file. It is kept at <SuperMemo directory>\translat\<language>.tra
You can download some SuperMemo
interfaces from International Interfaces for SuperMemo. If you do
not find an interface in your language, we will be happy to add
your own translation. You can send it via e-mail to support@supermemo.com.
To change the interface in
SuperMemo using a downloaded interface file do the following:
- Download an interface file
from International Interfaces for SuperMemo (only 1000
- Copy the interface file to
the subdirectory translat in the SuperMemo
directory (the
filename is <language name>.tra)
- Choose the interface's name
in Tools : Options : Language : Localization language
An alternative approach is to:
- Download an interface from International Interfaces for
SuperMemo (only
1000 bytes!)
- Choose Tools : Options : Language : Localization table
- Type the language name in the
Localization language field (you do not
have to use the name of the downloaded file)
- Choose Import in
Localization table and select the
downloaded interface file (the filename is <interface