Grewy┤s zebra
Equus grevyi

order - Perissodactyla
tribe - Equidae

Size: height 160 cm
Weigh: a₧ 350 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 350 days
Occurrence: bushe`s regions, half-deserts in the east of Africa
Food: plant - harsh grasses
Activity: day`s
Way of life: small drove

Grewy`s zebra is the biggest of the three kinds of zebras. Zebra has noblehead, fine wide nostrils, big ear`s auricle and fine, thick strips. For its look and for mild character is aristocrat among zebras. We brought the beautiful male from Frankfurt/ Mohan to our ZOO. Male`s name is Baron von Strattianello. We bring companions early, so we`ll create basis of future breeding herd of Grewy`s zebras.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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