Bactrian camel
Camelus ferus bactrianus

order - Artiodactyla
tribe - Camelidae

Size:height 190 cm
Weigh: 650 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 13 months
Occurrence: wild form lives in the steppes in Asia
Food: plant
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they create herds

Two kinds of camels live in the "Old World" and are famous for their ability to live without water. About 15 million camels live in the world. Small groups of wild Bactrin camels survive this time in the deserts of regions in Mongolia. And in deserts in Australia there live more than 25.000 wild camels - dromedars. ZOO Brno has male Abdul, who comes from Russia and two females, our fosterlings - Fatima and Sulika

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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