Sumatran tiger
Panthera tigris sumatrae

order - Carnivora
tribe - Felidae

Size: length of the body 210 - 300 cm, height 90 - 100 cm
Weigh: 115 kg, male 180 kg
Number of youngs: 2 - 4 (mostly 2)
Time with young: 102 - 112 days
Occurrence: tropical forests of Sumatra island
Food: carnivorous animal. He hunts above all mean and big even - toed ungulates
Activity: he mostly hunts before nightfall or early morning
Way of life: lover of solitude

Sumatra tiger is the smallest under-kind of kind of the Panthera tigris. In his native country he is in critical danger. Breeding couple in our ZOO - male Macek and female Hata - they regulary multiply themselves. These days their son Bezzubak - he`s 6 years - lives with them in the common run.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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