Pan troglodytes

order - Primates
tribe - Pongidae

Size: height of erected body 120 - 160 cm
Weigh: 40 - 65 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 230 days
Occurrence: jungles, savannahs in equator`s Africa
Food: plant and animal - products, leaves, insect, small vertebrates
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they create free associations

Chimpanzee looks the most like a human from the all kinds of antropoids. Chimpanzees live in free associations and they don`t create firm organizational groups. They are together only for a time and in these groups is strict hierarchy. Cooperation works is there for example during hunt. Chimpanzee can even use and make simple tools. In ZOO Brno there have lived two females - Dadula and Peggy - for 30years. These days we have deposited male ans female - Faben and Nymba from ZOO Bojnice. ZOO Brno can brag of the first successful rearing of Chimpanzee in the former Czechoslovakia - in the year 1967.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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