Anubi baboon
Papio anubis

order - Primates
tribe - Cercopithecidae

Size: 150 cm
Weigh: 50 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 6 months
Occurrence: savannah in Africa
Food: plant
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they create big groups

Anubi baboon pertain to the savannah`s baboons. These are kinds, which move on the ground. They live in groups, whereeach individual has its own precise position. On a peak of the scale of worth there is old male and several adult`s males are subordinate to him. Other degree these are females with youngs and the lowest are "youngsters". ZOO Brno is home for numerous group. Basic is male Cipisek and four adult`s females. We can always see at least one young baboon, because our baboons regulary multiplty themselves.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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