Barbany sheep
Ammotragus lervia

order - Armodactyla
tribe - Bovidae

Size: height 150 cm
Weigh: 150 kg
Number of youngs: 1 - 2
Time with young: 160 days
Occurrence: mountains in the North Africa
Food: plant - grasses, lichens
Activity: they keep out at grass during the night
Way of life: lover of solitude, during amorous display lives in the herds

Barbary sheep lives in the south slopes of Alas. It`s shy mountain animal, who is possible to watch only very herd. During the day they hide against the sun in caves and they keep out at grass during the night. Basis of the breeding herds in ZOO Brno is created by two dult`s males and three females. They regulary multiply themselves, young sheep got birth mostly in March or in April - according to the weather.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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