Papio sphinx

order - Primates
tribe - Cercopithecidae

Size: 90 - 100 cm
Weigh: 50 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 6 months
Occurrence: forests in the west of Africa
Food: omnivorous creature - products, fruits, seeds, bulbs, insects, molluscs
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they create smaller groups

Male of mandrill is the most varied monkey - he has all colours. Females are smaller and they aren`t so striking. Home of mandrill are tropical rain forests, where the mandrill moves on the ground. ZOO Brno breed adult`s male Mates, who is strict ruler in his harem. Our speciality are two females - twins Zofinka and Gabinka - they were born in 1991, because mandrills always have only one young one. Groups is completed by female Tylinka - she was born in 1996.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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