Barbary lion
Panthera leo leo

order - Carnivora
tribe - Felidae

Size: length of the body: male 260 - 280 cm, female 230 - 250 cm
Weigh: male 185 - 200 kg, female 110 - 170 kg
Number of youngs: 2 - 4 (mostly 3)
Time with young: 100 - 113 days
Occurrence: once - higher places in Tunis, Maroco, Algeria; these days only in ZOO
Food: carnivorous animal - he hunts big and mean ungulatas
Activity: he hunts not only during the nightfall or dawn, but also during the day
Way of life: they create families

Lion is only big cat`s beast of prey, who lives in band with hierarchy. Barbary lion was destroyed in the free nature a long time ago. The last news about him are from the end of the 19. century. Today`s wards in the ZOOs they are descendants of the lions from the private menagery of Maroco`s king. Our ZOO breed male Bali and female Sheila. These days they are deposited in ZOO Ostrava on account of the repairs in the ZOO.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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