Ruffed lemur
Variecia variegata

order - Primates
tribe - Lemuridae

Size: 95 - 120 cm
Weigh: 3 kg
Number of youngs: 1 - 2
Time with young: 99 - 103 days
Occurrence: forests in the east of Madagaskar
Food: plant
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they create smaller groups

Lemurs pertain to lower primacy (half-monkey). Half-monkey are tree`s or half-tree`s mammals with night`s or day`s activity. Thei fingers have mostly claws, but on a thumb there is always nail and big toe (on a back limb) is always intelligent. Ruffed lemur is the biggest and the most beautiful coloured lemur of Madagaskar. They create groups. Each group has four - ten individuals, they have rest in nests on the trees. In our ZOO there has lived one pair of these monkeys for four years. Male Pan and female Agnesa. They are very dear, they aren`t aggressive and they`re grateful.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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